𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 - Collywobbles

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collywobbles - pain in the abdomen and especially in the stomach, or "butterflies in the stomach".

Isla's POV

I shift in my bed, rustling against the white satin sheets, as the city speaks in rustling, curses and honks. I open my eyes, staring at the ceiling before turning to my side and grabbing my phone; my fingers swipe over the screen, going through various apps, checking socials, responding to emails, and answering texts that were sent the night before.

Sai and I hadn't spoken in weeks, besides the first two attempts he made when we first stopped talking, one being yesterday night and the other a few nights after the whole dilemma.

We gon talk ~ Sai (9/24/2023 at 10:42pm)

I look at the message before kissing my teeth and rolling my eyes; I throw my phone on my bed. I get up, sitting up right on the edge, and stretch. Each muscle pulls with sweet pain, releasing any tension on my back and waist. I yawn again heading towards my bathroom. I brush my teeth vigorously, rinse with mouthwash and place two rubber bands in between my brackets at the sides of my mouth.

Turning the knob of the shower; steam fogs up my mirrors as heat fills the room. I pull my shirt over my head before throwing it to the side and stepping into the shower. The warm water welcomes my body with a sensation that's relaxing but also burns the soles of my feet, I hum, relaxing my shoulders and tilting my head as the water runs down my neck

I think back to the day in the library, one where I cried which I always do, but not in debate. I didn't really know him, I don't really know him, so I expected the least but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy the attention. I mean I could have it at any given chance, all I would have to do is text back but that would mean I didn't care or that everything is fine or that an apology isn't needed but it is. I really don't forgive quickly, but I sure don't pretend like everything is good when it isn't.

My feelings are valid, and deserve to be validated.

Maybe I'm a little difficult, or maybe I know I'm deserving of more then "I didn't mean it" or "I'm sorry" or maybe I'm spoiled; I don't know I've heard it all, and believed none of it.

"Ugh." I mumble to myself, before closing the tap and grabbing my towel off the sink. I dry myself before wrapping myself in it's soft, pillowy, coziness; I complete my full routine before putting my clothes on. A simple pair of dark gray shorts, that are probably too short, a white bralette, and pink sweater for cover, one of my favorite articles of clothing.

I've always loved zip ups, especially since they keep me close to warmth in temperature and told memories; my mom used to wear them a lot, a very simple woman. Although my dad accumulated a lot of money from the things he did, she was simple, and stuck to the basics that were cheap and accessible; we are very different in that sense. I live for glamour, riches, and expenses...I don't see any other way to live, especially since I have it, so I might as well enjoy it and I do.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen; a little note is left for me on the island of the kitchen.

I got called in for work, I'll be home later. Make something if you can - dad

I sigh to myself, balling the note in my hand before throwing it in the trash. An "I love you" or something would be nice sometimes; he was probably rushing.

I grab some overnight oats from the fridge, and sit down at the island and begin to eat. As I'm scrolling through my phone, I receive an incoming call from my girls and press the pick up button.

"Hey!" I say, stuffing my face with another spoonful of oats.

"Hey!" Sariyah and Amaya say.

"How are you?" I say.

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