𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏 - Basorexia

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basorexia - the strong, sudden urge to kiss someone; a desire or hunger for kissing.

Isla's POV

"So, what you're saying is that you want Sai to stop flirting with you?" Amaya says, looking at me in disbelief.

"No! That's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying me and him should probably take it slower."

I had been thinking about my last interaction with Sai a lot, since almost a week had passed. It's not like anything much had changed much since then, despite Sai wanting to talk to me more and see me too; usually that wouldn't have been a problem, if it hadn't been for the fact that he had tended to ignore me before this interaction. I guess now that he knew he could touch me below my waist, his interest had peeked.

"So you're telling me you didn't like anything that happened?" Sariyah says, with a raised and a unfazed looking telling me she ain't believe me.

Did I like it? Of course I liked how he softly kissed me from the top of my collar bone to just below my ear, or how hand gradually moved up my thighs. Of course I liked it, but that doesn't mean we should be doing it.

I close my eyes in response to the question as a small smile spreads across my face.

"Mmm, I don't know." I say, turning over into the sheets of my bed.

"You know you did!" Amaya says giggling.

"Isla, it's okay if you like him. Like it's fine."

"It's not about that! I look easy, letting him kiss me like that, and coming over to my house; I never do that, and I don't wanna start now."

"Isla, it was a kiss, that wasn't even on your lips, not full blown sex. Everyone kisses everyone." Sariyah says.

"I am not everyone, if he wanted everyone, he shouldn't be messing with me." I reply.

"I think you're blowing it out of proportion." Sariyah says, running her hand through the braids I just finished.

"Isla, if you're not comfortable doing that with him so early on, then don't, but don't ruin something fun because you're scared of what might happen." Amaya says.

"Literally, it's okay not to be uptight all the damn time." Sariyah says.

"I'm not uptight!"

"Yes, you are." They say in unison. I roll my eyes, grabbing my phone from my bed, and sitting at my vanity chair.

"I'm texting him." I say, swiping to his contact.

Hey ~ Isla

Yo ~ Sai

What did I say about you saying "yo" to me ~ Isla

Sorry, it's a habit ~ Sai

What he saying, Isla? Amaya asks

Fix it ~ Isla

Sorry mama ~ Sai

I need to talk to you ~ Isla

I send the text, as I watch the bubble disappear from the screen, and eventually return.

Coming ~ Sai

"He's coming over." I say, placing my phone in my lap.

"I thought you wanted to slow down the relationship." Amaya asks.

"I do."

"And, you think inviting him over when you have the house all by yourself is a good way to slow down the relationship?"  Sariyah asks.

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