𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎 - Wonderwall

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wonderwall - the person of which you have a total infatuation with

Isla's POV

As the first football game of the season approaches, Chapel has been extremely busy; the school bursting at the seams with excitement, and a vomit of both navy blue and yellow all over the school, essentially school spirit. Being that I am a cheerleader, I've been extremely busy with preparation, of both my team and myself, so me and Sai haven't done much talking. We say "hi" here and there, and if he's lucky we'd share an intimate hug. And although I enjoy Sai, sometimes, I like it better like this...not always being around each other and sticking to our priorities; he won't be a distraction.

As for my home life, my dad hasn't spoken to me in weeks; he's on one of his childish tantrums where he shoots stares that feel like darts on my forehead and silence that would bother anyone who cares; I do not.

"Isla." Sai calls out for me on my way to cheer practice. He stops by here sometimes, some conversations shorter than others.

"Hi, Sai." I reply.

"Hey." He says, walking up to me. His thick cologne and scent of freshly smoked weed fills my nose.

"You been smoking?" I ask.

"Nah, that was Jerome."

"Are you lying?" I ask.


"Smoking in school is tacky." I say.

"It's not really smoking in school, if I left." He replies.

"Smoking during the school day at all is tacky." I reply, fixing my words to match.

"Okay, and your leave out looks like leave out." He says, earning a fake gasp from me.

"Sai, please. This is lace." I respond.

"Oh, I couldn't tell much."

"And I couldn't tell you had cornrows due to their outgrown state and snowflakes having a ball on ur scalp." I respond.

"Ion really have anything to say to that."

"Well duh." I respond, as he shakes his head gently.

"Your hair looks fine."

"I know it does, and it'll look better tonight." I say.

"Oh, yeah cause your game is tonight?"

"Mhm." I say, shaking my head.

"You ready, you excited?" He asks.

"Yes and double yes!" I say, with a laugh.

"Shit, you gon get all the niggas, even the opponents gon be on you."

"Wait, are you not coming?"

"Nah, I ain't." He replies.


"Ion see why I should, I'm not interested in football or sitting in the cold."

"It'll be fun. You should come." I say, feeling a little disheartened.

"You want me to come?" He asks, with his eyebrows furrowed whilst waiting for my response.

"Uh. I don't know, I don't care." I reply.

"I'll just see you there. Ight?" He questions.

"Okay." I reply. He wraps his arm around my lower waist and the other on back, as my hands wrap around his neck; he rubs soft circles against my back in succession.

"Good luck, Isla." He says against my ear, before pulling away.

"Thank you." I say, feeling out of breath.

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