𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐 - Abience

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abience - the strong urge to avoid someone or something

Isla's POV

"Go Chapel! Go Chapel! Aye, Aye, Go Chapel!" I chant, walking alongside the curb of the street, as my girls follow with their chants behind me.

"I don't even know why these schools keep coming to play us, like they don't know the outcome." Amaya jokes.

"Along with their cheer teams, they can't beat us at that too." Sariyah says.

"Well obviously they think they can, but the scoreboard says otherwise!" I say excitedly, as they join me. I turn to them, continuing to walk backwards.

"How are you guys getting home?"

"I'm riding with Amaya." Sariyah says.

"Can I come with you guys, my dad couldn't make it." I say, and just as do a sleek black car pulls up right beside us, its engine blaring with a thump, and the window rolling down.

"Isla!" I hear a familiar voice call out for me. I squint my eyes and bend down, seeing Sai sitting in the driver seat. I roll my eyes, and continue back to my conversation with my friends. I mean who does he think he is pulling up on me, after not speaking to me for weeks, after what we did or didn't do in my room.

"If you wanna stop we can, just lemme know what you wanna do." He said.

"I don't know what I wanna do." I said. He pulled away from my face, looking at me intently, before bringing my hand to his lips, and kissing it.

And then he walked out, not saying a damn thing? Not texting me? As if I'm supposed to know what that means, or if I'm supposed to chase him or something. I'd sweep the ocean floor with an acrylic before I ever chase a man!

"I know you hear me talking to you." He says, continuously driving along the curb. I ignore him, and continue my way.

"She obviously don't want to talk to you." Amaya says.

"Yeah, you wasn't worried about talking to her a couple. Kick rocks." Sariyah snarls.

"Last time I checked, I talk to Isla not her posse. Isla get in the car, please." He says.

"Damm. Isla he a little sassy." Amaya says, scrunching her face up.

"Yeah girl, do what you need to do." Sariyah adds, as they walk away from me. I roll my eyes and continue walking, as he follows.

"Isla, get in the car." He says.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Bro come on."

"I'm good."

"Why you always gotta be so damn stubborn."

"Stubborn? You haven't texted me for weeks, and pull up to my game talking bout get in the car. The hell is wrong with you!" I yell at him.

"I'm here to fix that." He says.

"You don't need to fix nothing, go crawl underneath some other broad who like that, not me." I reply.

Ain't no other girl, Isla." He says.

"You want me to believe that or what?" I say, shooting him a nasty look.

"You know there ain't. You heard anything?"

"Should I be hearing something?" I say, stopping and looking at him, feeling the irritation rise in my face and palms.

"It's just you, man." He says gently

"Mhm." I mumble.

"Mama, please get in the car."  He says, pleading with me. Against my better judgment, I walk towards the car and pull the car handle. I sit down, dropping my bag down, and crossing my arms around my waist."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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