𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 - Illecebrous

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illecebrous - alluring, attractive, enticing

Isla's POV

"Isla!" I hear two girlish screams erupt from downstairs.

"I'm up here ya'll." I yell back from my room, wiping away the smudged lip liner around my lips.

Their shoes tap loudly against the stairs, as their bangles jingle on their wrists; I love when my girls come to see me.

"Hey!" They both shout with excitement as they enter my room; they take turns hugging me around my neck, standing behind the chair of my vanity. Once they're done they take a seat on my bed, Sariyah bending backward and sprawling all over it.

"Hi guys! How are you?" I say, spinning my chair towards them

"We're good." Amaya replies.

"Would've been better if you came to school today."

"I had to get my braces tightened, but I'm glad you missed me." I joke.

"I did not."

"Girl, shut the fuck up. You know damn well you were like "where's Isla" and shit." Amaya replies, as Sariyah gives her a quick glance, a mean if I add.

"I know you missed me too, Amaya."

"No, she was with that idiot Jerome." Sariyah replies.

I roll my eyes at the mention of his name; I really love Amaya don't get me wrong, but I'd wish she'd choose better make candidates; I think about 95% of best-friends feel that way, at least good ones.

And before your like "damn, why you hate the nigga more than her", shut the fuck up. The things Amaya has told me about Jerome have created not so positive connotation around him, and overall he's an asshole.

"You hate that nigga more than me, he ain't do shit to you." She replies, getting all defensive.

For me to hate him would be for me to care, and that's farther from truth; I care about Amaya but as for Jerome? I'd rather place gravel between ever bracket of mine before caring about him or anything he does, not involving Amaya.

"Did I say anything?" I reply, pursing my lips together and getting ready to argue if needed.

"You didn't have to."

"You already know how I feel about him."

"I get you don't like him, but I do. Sariyah don't do that."

"Sariyah agrees with me, she's just not open about it." I reply, looking towards Sariyah for her response.

"I indeed do agree." She replies.

Amaya kisses her teeth before rolling her eyes. She knows I love her, but I will forever not like that nigga and it is what it is.

"What he do to yall?"

"You should be asking what he did to you." Sariyah replies.

"And why you continue to mess with him, when he obviously don't mess with you like that." I add.

"He do! He changed, and he all about me now. I swear!"

"He's a bad debater too, nothing educated comes out of the nigga's mouth. Is that the boy you wanna keep yourself around?" I ask.

"And no, I don't need a political partner, I need a guy who fucks me good, and spends a little; you'll know one day what I mean. She says.

"And you think Jerome is the only one that can do that?" I reply.

"For now, yes. Why you on me like that?" She asks.

"Girl, you did the same thing when she spoke to ——"

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