𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 - Meliorism

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meliorism - the belief that the world can be made better by human effort.

Isla's POV

I grab my gym bag, before giving my leggings one last tug and opening the stall door. I walk up to the sink, looking at myself in the mirror and tweaking any minor mishaps.

I feel a harsh swat on my backside accompanied with a loud sound of impact. I jump forward a bit in shock, as my hand flees its way to my backside.

"Ouch." I wince.

"Sorry." Amaya says laughing, rubbing my backside softly.

"You hit me so damn hard." I reply in irritation.

"Sorry." She mumbles.

"Lemme get you get you back." I say, grabbing her hand. She pushes off me; I practically chase her around until I finally catch her. I extended my arm, giving her one harsh smack on her backside; she shrieks in pain as I erupt into laughter.

"You do too much!"  She says.

"Oh, shut up." I say patting the spot I hit as we walk out the bathroom.

"You look good though, Isla."

"Thank you." I reply.

"The green is doing it for me."

Fit Inspo; feel free to imagine something different ( imagine the wig to be black )

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Fit Inspo; feel free to imagine something different ( imagine the wig to be black )

"Thank you." I say, as we begin to approach the doors leading to the field.

"Yo, Isla." A familiar voice calls out for me, grappling my attention. My head along with Amaya's head turn to the side; Sai stands tall with his hands in his pockets looking at me. I stare him in his eye, as he returns the look. Amaya turns to me with her eyebrow raised and a million questions in each crease on her forehead.

"I'll tell you later." I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and giving her a hug.

"I'll tell em you gon be a little late."

"I'm not, is Neveah out there already?"


"Tell her to start up the routine, I'll be out there soon."

"Ight." She says, walking away. I turn to Sai, giving him a small smile, as he walks up to me.

"Hi, Isla." He says, standing over me. His hair in a crinkly assorted mess, probably from the recent take out of his cornrows, cover his face with a small space for his eyes.

"Hi, Sai." I say throwing my arms around his neck as his go around my waist, pulling me inward. I chuckle a little bit, enjoying the embrace; after sometime, a minute or so, we pull away from each other.

"Somebody looking pretty." Sai says as he grabs my hand, raising it in the air and spinning me around slowly; I let out a little laugh. As he turns me, my back facing him, he pulls me into him, hugging me tightly.

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