𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 - Sphallolalia

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Sphallolalia - flirtatious talk that leads nowhere

Isla's POV

I stand against the locker, engaging in conversation with my girls as the final bell for school rings. Today is a half-day accompanied with a dress down, a day where you can dress in the comfort of your own and colors other than navy blue and khaki for a measly fee of one dollar!

"So, what are we doing today?" Amaya asks.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"I mean it's half a day, so we might as well go out and do something." Amaya says.

"Yeah, we definitely should." Sariyah adds.

"Guys, I can't. I have to set up for my poetry club."

"She just loves to add the "my" in there. We get it, you run a club!" Sariyah jokes, earning a small laugh from all of us.

"I'm just saying. You guys are gonna join this time, right?" I ask. They shoot me a displeased look, lips pressed together with eyes pulled in a side motion.

"Oh come on! Y'all gon leave me with those white folks again?" I question.

"You're the one who decided to make a poetry club...white people love that shit."

"I wanted to create a space where black students could express their creativity, we need that here."

"So why aren't they joining?"  Sariyah replies.

"Maybe embarrassment?" I reply unsure.

"Nobody want to be with white kids, especially those pretentious ones that talk about how daddy hates me because he won't pass them the family fortune...ain't nobody tryna hear that shit." Amaya says loudly, making us laugh as a group of white students pass by looking at us in some way.

"Fuck you looking at?" I say, my eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Isla, relax!" Amaya says.

"Isla always ready for a fight, whether it be physical or verbal, she ready." Sariyah says.

"I don't even fight like that."

"Girl, you for certain get active...real active." Sariyah jokes, as we all laugh and reminisce in previous fights...middle and the beginning of high school was a time.

My phone buzzes in my pocket; I pull my phone out of my pocket and type the passcode in. A little red number added to the previous number of messages sits at the top of my green message icon. I open my messages, and swipe to my newest message.

where you at mama ~ Sai

Ever since that day in the diner, he hadn't called me that...maybe cause he knew I liked it or something. I smile at the message, unintentionally, before responding.

i'm with my friends, near Mrs. Lepal's class. ~ Isla

lemme come see you before you leave ~ Sai

i'm bout to leave, but I'm going up to A124,  if you wanna come up there ~ Isla

U gon be there for awhile? ~ Sai

Yes ~ Isla

Ima see what I can do ~ Sai

ok ~ Isla

As I send my last message, I place my phone back in my pocket.

"Girl, who got you occupied like that?" Sariyah asks.

"My dad, he's yelling at me to cook something tonight." I lie.

Should I have lied? Probably not, but who knows, Sai and I may not even be speaking in a few hours...I'll tell them when it stable...when it's worth it.

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