𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 - Serendipity

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Serendipity - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

Isla's POV

"Bye, Isla!" Sariyah and Amaya say as they walk away.

"Bye, you guys. I'll see you on Monday!" I reply. I lean against the locker, something that has become routine for me, and pull out my phone.

"Hi, ma'am." A voice says, one I know. I look up from my phone, as I'm greeted with the presence of Sai. Hair pulled back with a small band, displaying the sight of his whole face...let me say I'm not disappointed one bit.

"Who you calling ma'am? We the same age." I reply, with a smile.

"I'm showing you some of that Southern hospitality, I know you know none bout that." He says, earning a small laugh from me. He moves in front of me, placing his hands on the sides of my waist, and pulling me in closer; a habitual practice of his.

"Hospitality, huh?" I question teasingly.

"I can show you hospitality." He says moving closer, his lips inching closer to mine. I look up at him, before peering around to see if anyone is there...no one is. I focus back on him, feeling tempted and more comfortable to do something...I don't know something. I inch closer to him, his breath grazing on my lips. His tongue swipes across his bottom lip, before pulling away.

"Anyway, whatcha you doing later." He says casually. I blink a couple times, before looking at him in confusion.

"Anyway, watcha you doing later"...as if I wasn't gon give this nigga a lifetime opportunity! "Anyway, watcha you doing later"...what does it matter? You gonna kiss me then, highly doubt it!

I shoot him a glare before shaking my head and walking towards the exit.

"I asked you a question, Isla."

"Doesn't mean I have to answer."

"Oh. Guess I'm coming over." He says arrogantly, as he throws his arm around my shoulders. I laugh at his words, and shake my head "no."

"Ima come hang out with you."

"If you wanna hang out with me, you'll take me outside of my bedroom." I say. He shoots me nasty look.

"You nasty with it." He says jokingly. I push his chest with irritation laced in my various grunts and laughter. He laughs, pulling my hands away at my wrists.

"I ain't mean it like that."

"Oh, really?" He says placing my arms behind my back before wrapping his other arm around my shoulders.

"Let me go."

"You gon hit me?"


"You sure?"

"Mhmm." I mumble. He removes his hands as I walk away from him, and towards the door.

"Nah, but for real I wanna hang out with you."

"Then take me out." I say walking away, as I hear no response.

"Be ready by 8." He shouts; a small smile spreads across my face.

Sai's POV

I push the creaky, wooden door open, walking into the room full of smoke, and other shit that shouldn't be ingested through the nasal or orally. I take a seat on the broken leather coach, spreading my legs a bit and looking forward. A long, thin man dressed in burgundy slacks and a disheveled dress shirt sits in front of me. Somebody had fun last night.

"Watchu you want?" I say, plainly.

"That's how y'all young niggas speak to the men that pay yall. I'll call y'all whenever you like." He says, in his typical arrogant manner, crossing his hands in front of him and leaning forward. I don't know who these old heads be thinking they is, but they be thinking they someone. I place my hands on my knees, and get up.

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