𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 - Ambivalent

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ambivalent - having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

Isla's POV

I've realized that I've become soft, a little too sweet for my liking, especially towards boys, specifically Sai. I've realized the nicer you are to a boy, the more likely they are to act up but when you're just a bit mean, they seem to be on their best behavior; they must have a kink for degrading or something.

"Yo, Isla." Sai called out for me , in the same place as always, when I'm on my way to the field. I turned around, seeing him standing against the locker, with his hands in his pockets, his hair braided, looking down at me, and looking good per usual.

And even though I wanted to tell him how good he looked, I didn't ...he ain't deserve it, his ego ain't deserve it.

"Whatchu want, Sai?" I questioned annoyed. He smiled at me before walking up to me and grabbing my waist; I pushed him off a little bit, but he ignored that.

"That's how you gon talk to me." He said.

"Well obviously."

"What's ya problem, mama."He said, trying to coax me with his charm, and as much as my knees shook, I stood tall and remained firm in my belief.

"I don't have a problem."

"Yes, you do."





"Sai, what do you want?"

"To know why your upset."

"I'm upset because you accused me of messing with your friend, haven't texted me or checked up on me in weeks, and now you're trying to come up to me like everything is fine and dandy!" I yelled at him, not too loud but loud enough for him to hear.

"You still onnat? And I'm sorry for not texting you, I've been busy."

"Yes, I'm still onnat, and if you really wanted to talk to me you would, but you don't so I'm not tripping."

"So why are you mad?"

"I just—you know what never fucking mind." I say, walking away from him.

"You know what, ima just talk to you when you done with the attitude." He said walking away.

"And you know what I'll talk to you when them parts straight since you prolly be posted up in bitches laps getting your hair done." I said, referring to an instagram story I had seen of his.

"You mad funny, Isla!" He said, laughing.

I walk up the stairs, the second bell rings, pushing by a couple students with my book in hand and bag drooping down on my shoulder. Another day at Chapel, except it one of those dress-down days; you know those days you can wear other colors for a measly fee of a dollar.

"Yo, Isla!" I hear as Sai walks towards me, meeting me on the stairs. He whips in front me quickly, staring at me for a bit without saying a word; it's been a couple weeks since we spoke, maybe three.

"Hi, Sai?" I say confused.

"Hi, Isla." He says with a small smile. He grabs my lower waist , his hand practically on my backside, and pulls me in softly; I push him back slowly, creating space between us.

"Oh, I forgot you hate that public shit."

"Mm." I mumble.

"I miss you."

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