Chapter 13 ~ Story time

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#62 enemiestolovers out of 57.3K stories

Wanted to clarify one query here asked by the lovely paianjalir
"Is this an accident or deliberate attempts to kill kush ?
Waiting to see what turn this story takes"
==> It's just an accident. No deliberate attempts on our Khushi. Also, from a writing point, I needed something which helped Arnav realise the significance of Crusty in his life.

Thank you for taking the time for reading my story.

Thank you everyone for your votes and comments.

Shout out to below readers for voting:


ArathiTs , and Gbcutie.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments.

I'm not a doctor. All medical-related scenes are a product of my imagination


(Now back to the story!)

(A few hours later, after dinner)

Arnav's POV

I was still feeding Tara, some vegetable puree, with Tara sitting on the dinning table. Di and Nani were in deep discussion. No doubt worried about me and Crusty. Leaving NK bored out of his mind, and hence he was making faces at Tara, making her giggle. And making me worry that she is going to choke her food in the process.

(A hour later)

NK then proceeded to randomly ask me - " Bhai, tell some story"

Seriously, he wants to hear a story especially when my wife is dying at the hospital. Talk about bad timing.

"What are you, 5?" - I asked him, kinda pissed and slightly annoyed at his request.

"Come on bhai, Tara always like your voice. It's always calm and soothing, especially when you talk with her." - Nk tried to reason with me and later that fool proceeded to ask Tara if she wanted to hear a story.

Hearing the word 'story', she lightened up and was nodding vigorously.

Finally giving in to her and all her cuteness, I asked her, bopping my nose to her which made her giggle-"What story do you want hear, pumpkin?"

"da! ma!" - Crusty did mention that Tara was being trying out words and making sounds.

"Bhai, tell us the story of how you two met" - Nk asked me

"No" - I plainly refused. Now is not a good time to relive my love story.

And that fool proceeded to ask Tara in his baby voice, taking her in his arms- "Do you want to hear the story of how your daddy and mommy met?"

As soon as she heard the word 'mommy', she started to cry, no doubt missing her mother.

I swear I am going to kill that idiot. For reminding my pumpkin that her mum is not there with us. And is at the hospital with a boo-boo.

A/N: boo-boo = baby talk for injury

Nk's POV

As soon Tara  started to whimper in my arms, Bhai immediately rushed to her side and took her in his arms.

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