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\\Y/N POV\\

Sighing. I'm so tired, after cleaning the entrance, I will leave immediately. I can't do it anymore.

Y/N: "(Keeping a hand on waist and another on the broom) Finally, I can go home."

Right at the moment to ruin my moment, 2 guys came outside of the restaurant laughing like a maniacs.

Guy 1: (Annoyed) Huh!? What the hell is this? (Kicking the trash can)

Y/N: (Mouth little opened) Sir, you should not do that. I just cleaned the whole place. (Adjusting glasses)

Guy 2: Hey, you ugly rat. How dare you talk to our boss like that. Looks like you don't plan on living anymore (mad)

Y/N: But sir still, you need to correct the mistake you've done. (Handing the broom)

Guy 1: You b1tch want me to clean this sh1tty mess. Who do yo take me for huh?! (Slapping)

This guy is the one who made the mess, I'm so tired already. I can't clean again. I must make him clean.

Y/N: Sir, please I politely ask you to clean the mess. Afterall you're the one who's responsible.

Guy 1: You ugly b1tch! (Pushing Y/N)

I held my chest, that hurts so much. How can a guy touch a girl carelessly. He pushed me so hard that I fell down.

???: (helping) Miss (sweet voice) Are you okay?

I held my chest cause it still hurts, this guy who helped me up took off his coat and covered me. I opened my eyes and turned towards him.

My eyes widened after seeing his face.

???: (shocked) Y/N?! You-you still use this spects? (Teary eyes)

???: You remember me right? (Holding her shoulders)

Y/N: (Nodding head slowly) Haruto.. (full of emotions)

Haruto: (Cupping face with a hand) I've been searching you so hard for more than 2 years in South Korea. But you're in Japan.

Haruto: (Smiling) Just give me 2 minutes, I will finish those bastards. (Ruffling head)

I gripped his coat, I heard some painful sounds.

Haruto: (Death glaring) You both! Clean this mess, until then you won't leave this place. Mashiho I leave them to you.

Mashiho: (Breaking knuckles) Rest assured Boss. (Smirk)

Both those guys gulped at mashiho.

Haruto washed his hands and came towards me smiling.

Y/N: (Worried) He will be alright, right?

Haruto: (smiling) Of course he will be. Mashiho is small but mighty. He's my personal bodyguard.

Haruto: You're still the same cutie pie just like in the past. (Lifting Y/N in a bridal style)

Y/N: (flustered) H-Haruto, what are you doing?! I-I can walk by myself. And I need to go home now.

Haruto: For whom? Is anyone waiting for you? (Waiting for reply)

Y/N: (Looking down) No one. I live alone.

Haruto: Yeah, I know. I already met you're parents and I also heard that you've left home without leaving any traces of your whereabouts.

I bit my lips and stayed silent.

Haruto: Alright, for now let's go to my place. You look exhausted. (Soft smile) Rest assured sweetheart. (Kissing forehead)

Y/N: (shocked and blushing) Y-you shouldn't do that. (Gripping Haruto's shirt)

Haruto: (Smiles) Cute.

\\Author POV\\

Y/N slept on Haruto as she's tired. Haruto walked a little distance and went towards a rich car. One of the mencame and opened the door. Haruto slowly placed Y/N inside and he went inside too. Haruto slowly pulled Y/N towards him and made her sleep on his shoulders. He look at her face and started smiling softly.

Haruto: (Low voice) I don't know what's happening in your life that even made you leave your house.

Haruto: (Taking hand in hand) Now I'm back Y/N, I won't leave you no matter what. As I promised I came back after completing studies.

Haruto: Now I'm succesful person myself. I'm going to marry you soon my baby (kissing forehead)

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