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\\Y/N POV\\

I have exams within 2 weeks. I need to study atleast 2 hours a day otherwise I may fail this year too. My full concentration is on my books. After reading for more than 1 hour & 45 minutes. My eyes started drowsy. Closing my book, I stretched, a yawn left my mouth. I too my rubberband and left my hair free. It feels good. I rested my head on the table to my left side.

Haruto: (Tucking a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear) Hello beautiful. (Smiling)

My heart started beating faster and faster. Haruto is in the same position as me, resting his head on the table looking straight at me with his beautiful smile. I tried to wake up, but Haruto cupped my face with one of his hand, which made me stop. Without any other way, I gave up waking up.

Haruto: Aren't you tired? How are you even managing your studies and your work at the same time. It must be hard.

Y/N: Yeah, It's hard but I don't have any other way. I already failed once last year I can't afford to fail again.

Haruto: You're not even hesitating to tell me about yourself. You still like me right. (Caressing cheek)

Y/N: That doesn't matter anymore, whether I like you or not.

Haruto: (Hella sincere with a cute smile on) Will you marry me sweetheart?

My eyes widened at his sudden confession. Is he for real?! Suddenly he pecked me making my heart beat crazy. I felt butterflies.

Haruto: I love you sweetheart. Come with me. You cam be happy, without any worries, whatever the problem is we can solve it together. (Caressing face)

Making my heart into a rock, I woke up.

Y/N: I'm sorry Haruto, I cn't marry you. Neither I can be by your side. It's not fair. (Sad)

Haruto: (Taking a hand and cupping her face with the other hand) Please. There's no reason for you to reject me. Do you hate me? (Little hesitating)

I looked in his eyes. It's filled with pure love but I don't deserve that. Closing my eyes, I turned my face and started talking in a painful tone.

Y/N: Ruto, I'm already married. (Biting lips to stop crying)

Haruto: (Shocked) W-what? W-who is that guy. Y-you're lying. You don't have to go that far just to escape. (Hurt)

Haruto: (Serious) Who is he?! I want to meet him right now. Let's go. (Standing up)

Y/N: We're not together anymore, we got divorced 2 years ago.

Haruto: (Kneeling) Thank you so much Lord of Heavens. Thank you so much. (Clasping hands together in happiness)

Y/N: (Confused) Are you crazy? What are you being happy for?

Haruto: (Sitting beside and cupping face with two hands) You're not together anymore. (Happy) What else reason do I need. There's no way you can escape now.

Y/N: Haruto (whining) Stop behaving like that.

Haruto: (Pinching cheeks) Aww my cutie pie. Let's go and get married right now.

Y/N: (Shocked) WHAT?!?

Haruto: Why? What's wrong?

Y/N: (Biting lips) Atleast let me finish my exams.

Haruto: (Ruffling Y/N's hair) Cute, okay let's get married the next day you finish your exams. (Smiling)

What did I got myself into. (Sighing)

UNHEALTHY OBSESSION 1💔 | HARUTO-HYUNSUK | TREASUREWhere stories live. Discover now