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Hyunsuk: (Sitting on the couch) Listen baby. (Holding the documents up in his hand) You want to be free, right? Then sign these papers. This is an agreement. You and I will be in a fake marriage contract. All I ever want you to do is bare my child. Looking straigjt at Y/N's eyes) (Holding Y/N's chins forcefully) 4 years be wuth me for the 4 years in the first year, you will be giving birth and the next three years the child needs it's mom. After that we can part our ways. I won't interfere our life after that. Interesting right? If you disagree, I don't have any other choice. (Taking a pistol) But to kill your family, after that you will be staying with me forever. Choose wisely. (Standing up) (Walking towards the door) I give you 2 days time to decide.

Y/N: (Biting lips) I-I agree. I will give birth to your child. Please don't hurt my parents.

Hyunsuk: (Facing Y/N) You never fail to amaze me babe. (Smiling) Okay 2 days we'll be getting married until then I promise you I won't touch you. Get healed. Cause we'll be working hard from the day of our marriage. (Smirk) By the way, I wish this time you're awake when I make you scream. (Walking away)

Doyoung looked at Y/N and felt sorry for her before following Hyunsuk.

Y/N: For my parents even if I go to hell I need to bare the pain. (Closing eyes and crying silently) But still it's unfair. I wanted Haruto to be my first and last. (tears falling)

Y/N: (Griping skirt) Sorry Ruto.. (looking down) Just 4 years.

Next day at Y/N's house

Y/N's Mom: (Shocked) Mr. Choi Hyunsuk.

Y/N's Dad: You want to marry my daughter. (Happy) She's so lucky to be admired by you.

Hyunsuk: (Sweet smile) It's not just admiration, we're in love right, babe? (Kissing on Y/N's cheek)

Y/N: (Fake smile) Yes, dad. We're in love.

I wanted to say these words along with Haruto but looks like I don't even stand a chance to go against him.

Y/N's Dad: Just as you wish, let's arrange the marriage tomorrow. I will invite the guests.

Next day

Marriage is an important part of a girls life, I really had great thoughts about it but all of them are shattered by Hyunsuk. I'm walking on the aisle with my Dad. Hyunsuk looking at me with a sweet smile. That's the smile which deceived me. I thought his smile is so cute yet genuine and I blindly trusted him. And now this is the situation now I'm in. The final part kids. My first kiss. I treasured it but it's all went in vain now.

Hyunsuk: (Kissing) I love you. (Smiling)

Y/N: (Faking a smile with teary eyes) Me too. (Looking down crying)

Everyone started cheering up. I looked at my Mom and Dad, my Mom is holding my Dad hands, both of them shedding tears of happiness. A small smile creeped on my face. It's okay Y/N. Everything will be fine.

Hyunsuk: (Taking Y/N's hand) Let's go baby. (Smiling)

More than anything this guy's smile hurts me the most. How can he smile so genuine with so much dark intentions behind.

Dad: Mr. Choi, actually we have tradition in our famliy. The couple should stay in the bride groom's parents house on the day of marriage.

Hyunsuk: (Shocked) What?

Y/N: (Fake smile) Hyunsuk, please won't you say yes for me? (Smiling softly)

Hyunsuk: (Looking at Y/N and blinking few times) Okay.

I want to spend time with my parents for the last time cause I know for sure I can't meet them for the next 4 years.

Next day Morning

As we're with my parents he did'nt even lay his breath on me. Actually I tried my best to live this day to the fullest. After finishing breakfast we stayed here for a while and after packing up, I got ready to leave. Finally entering the hell. I laughed at myself. I would be the only one who prepares everything to enter a hell, funny right? (Teary eyes)

Mom: (Hugging Y/N) I'm so happy for you Y/N. You're such a lucky girl. Be happy, okay?

I didn't even dare to say a word, I just nodded my head.

Y/N: (Tears falling) I always love you Mom and Dad. (Going towards the car)

I entered the car, I smile for real go the last time. For some reason I feel like I won't meet them again.

After coming to Hyunsuk's Mansion, I unpackrd everything and turned around sighing. Hyunsuk suddenly gravved me and pinned me against the wall.

Y/N: (Trying to move) What are you doing, leave me Hyunsuk. (Struggling)

Hyunsuk: (Admiring) Hearing my name from you it's a fifferent type of sensation. (Smirk) Yesterday just because you asked me I refrained. From now on there's no escape. I will enjoy every part of yours. And you can't say no cause you already signed the contract.

Saying that Hyunsuk started leaving bite mark's. I winced in pain. After hearing my hisses he started getting more aggressive. Biting my lips, I tried my best to not let my tears fall. Suddenly he started kissing me roughly. I can't do it anymore. I did'nt respond to his actions.

Hyunsuk: I see. (Licking lips) I don't want to make this hard for you but your actions turns me up even more. I love aggressive kitties. (Grabbing hair) Whatever you do there's no way, I will be gentle. (Pushing on the bed)

Y/N: (Crying) Please leave me. I don't like you! I hate you bastard!!

With a smirk plastered on his face. Hyunsuk approached me. He held me both of my hands up on my head and wiped my tears.

Hyunsuk: I already told you, right? (Smiling like a psycho) Tears turns me on. (Smirk)

UNHEALTHY OBSESSION 1💔 | HARUTO-HYUNSUK | TREASUREWhere stories live. Discover now