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\\Author POV\\

5 years later

At the Korea's most expensive Hotel.

One of the customer: Miss, why is the hotel so hyped up today?

Receptionist: (Looking at the hallway) 2 of the most powerfuk business man of Korea were checking out at the same time. One of them is the most dangerous business man who is known as the Black Dog. He's the most dangerous MAFIA of the underworld.

Customer: (Gulping) B-Black Dog! (Scared)

Receptionist: And the other one is the CEO of the WATANABE CORP. One of the top most powerful youngest self made BILLIONARE. Not just Korea, He's a top most businessmen around the world too. It's such an awesome opportunity to have those both in here. But make sure to stay low. Both of them has foul temper I heard.

Looking at his watch, sweepung his pitch black hair back, licking lips HYUNSUK started walking down stairs. Just his mere presence can. Give you a shiver down your spine. He's handsome yet dangerous. The whole hallway is filled with armed bodyguards. After coming down suddenly Hyunsuk stopped and took off his glasses.

Hyunsuk: (Intimidating) Who are they? (Raising an eyebrow at his personal assistant)

Doyoung: Sir they belongs to the WATANEBE CORP. Mr. Watanabe is also checking out with his family right now.

???: (Little kid voice) Mr. Watanabe!? (Excited)

Hyunsuk: (Looking down) You know them Mickey?

Mikey: Yes, papa. Tutor cutie lives there. (Excited)

Hyunsuk: (Ruffling head with a smile) Tutor cutie? Who is that?

Mikey: She's my tutor papa. (Cute voice)

Hyunsuk: (Kneeling at Mikey's height) You look so excited just hearing their name? What is your tutor name?

Mikey: (Thinking hard with a pout) I don't know her name. She never told her name to anyone of us papa. She wants us to cll her as Mrs. Watanabe.

Hyunsuk: Okay, I understood but I don't think yoy should disturb your tutor when she's with her family. She might feel disturbed, right?

Gripping his teddy suddenly Mikey started jumping in excitement.

Mikey: (Fully hyped) Tutor cutie! (Pointing finger) Tutor cutie! (Smiling wide)

\\Hyunsuk POV\\

I sighed at Mikey's behavior. This little son of mine likes his tutor a little too much. I stood up and raised my head to see who is this cutie tutor is.

My eyes widened after seeing her. It's Y/N. My shocked face slowlt turned into a smirk.

Doyoung: (Shocked) M-master it's Young Lady.

Hyunsuk: (Licking lips) Yeah, I can see. Is it been that long. She looks more sexier than before. (Smirk)

Mikey suddenly ran towards WATANABE's Family.

Junghwan: Sir, Mikey-

Hyunsuk: (Sarcastic) It's okay, let him be Junghwan. I want to say a hello to my Ex-Wife too. (Smirk)

\\Author POV\\

Mikey ran towards Y/N's Family. The guards tried to stop mikey but Y/N stepped in.

Y/N: Mr. Mashiho let him be. He's one of my student.

Haruto: Huh? You're student? (Bending a little) Hey buddy, what's your name? (Smiling)

Mikey: (Cutely) My name is Choi Mikey, Mr Watanabe. (smiling)

Haruto: (Surprised and looking at Y/N) He talks so well. You have a one good student sweetheart.

Y/N: I know right. He's so much well-mannered. Wait are you here alone? (Worried)

Slowly going through his hair Hyunsuk came towards Y/N with a smirk on his face and started talking.

Hyunsuk: No, I never leave my son alone. Nice to meet you Mrs. Watanabe. (Smiling)

\\Y/N POV\\

I lifted my gaze from Mikey to the one who's talking. My heart dropped to the floor. My legs felt weak after seeing the person.

Hyunsuk: (Extending hand towards Haruto) I heard lot about you Mr. Watanabe. It's a pleasure to meet you in person.

Haruto: (Hand shaking unwillingly) It's nice to meet you too (emotionless) Black Dog.

Right at the moment a little girl hugged Y/N's leg and talked in a sleeping tone.

???: Mommy, I'm sleepy..

Hyunsuk: (Mumbling) Mommy?..

Mikey: (Smiling) Hanako! You're here too!

Hanako: (Smiling) Mikey!

Mikey: Tutor cutie, I think Hanako wants to sleep. Take her home. Otherwise she will fall asleep in here. It's not good for her.

Haruto: (Caressing Y/N's head) Yes, both of you are tired, wait for me in the car. I will have a and come. (Smiling)

Haruto kissed Y/N on her forehead which made Hyunsuk annoyed. He had an urge to take his gun and shoot right at Haruto's head but refrained himself.

Y/N: (Nodding) Hm.. Bye Mikey! (Smiling) See you later at the class. (Bowing a little at Hyunsuk and lifting Hanako)

After that Y/N left the place. Hyunsuk looked at Y/N until she left the place. And turned to look at Haruto.

Hyunsuk: Mikey, wait for papa at the car. I have a little business here.

Mikey: (Bowing politely) Take care of your health Mr. Watanabe. (Smiles)

Haruto: (Waving with a smile) Bye-bye Mikey. Take care of yourself too.

Hyunsuk: (Cocky) Woah your a one lucky man. You have such a beautiful family. Such a hot wife. (Smirk)

Haruto: (Serious) Shut your filthy mouth unless you wan your face to be dislocated. Don't you dare touch atleast your gaze on my wife.

Hyunsuk: (Sarcastic) You must be having a good time with a such a ch1ck.

Haruto: (Sarcastic) Yes, of course. I'm having the best time of my life with my swetheart unlike you. Underworld's mafia boss can't even have that chance. As you're wife left you. (Smirk) But my wife will never leave me.

Hyunsuk: (Smirk) Really? Let's see that too. I promise you, I will snatch her from you.

Haruto: (Keeping one of his hand in hispocket and walking away with a smirk) Keep on dreaming Mr. Black Dog. (Sarcastic)

Hyunsuk: (Licking lips) You started it Watanabe. I will show you what I'm capable of. It's just a matter of time. (Smirk)

Hyunsuk: (Snapping finger) Let's move. I have a meeting with the drug dealer.

Doyoung: (concerned) I wish the history doesn't repeat. (Praying God) Poor Y/N-ssi.

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