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\\11 years ago\\

The day Y/N and Hyunsuk met for the first time.

\\Hyunsuk POV\\

< It's just an imagination. Please don't get offended. This part may contain some serious stuffs⚠ >

Hyunsuk: (Inhaling cigarette) Loraine, listen a girl like you should not be pestering me around like a parasite.

I'm standing by the window, after finishing my cigarette. I walked towards the bed.

Hyunsuk: (Forcefully holding the chin) Listen. (Emotionless) I don't use the same stuffs twice. Once I'm done, it's the end. (Pushing) (Standing straight) I jut got interested cause I liked you body. It's not like I have something special for you. Tell me Mr. Charles that I'm not agreeing to this partnership. (Smirk) Did he seriously send his daughter sto seduce me? Delusional. (Putting on clothes) I've slept with uncountable hot girls before, you're not anything special. You should've done something interesting. But too bad it's late already. Never ever show your face to me again. (Throwing a card) You can use this. It's a pay for playing with me for a while.

Saying that I came out of the room and headed outside. To be honest I'm not satisfied man.

Hyunsuk: (Drinking vodka) Doyoung what's the schedule for tomorrow? (Turning towards the dancing floor)

Doyoung: Tomorrow we have a shareholders meeting Master-..

Even without my permission, my eyes started acting up on it's own. My lips formed into a smirk after seeing her.

Hyunsuk: (Raising hand) Stop, let me have a moment. (Keeping the glass aside)

Doyoung: (Confused) Oh-okay sir.

Hyunsuk: Wait for me. Doyoubg get ready to go to the mansion, cancel all the plans for tomorrow. (Smirk) I found something interesting in here.

Doyoung: (Looking at the dance floor) As you wish Master.

I started walking towards the dance floor. I directly went towards her. This girl got my interest.

Hyunsuk: Miss, if you don't mind can I have a dance with you? (Extending hand)

Y/N: But I don't know who you are?

Hyunsuk: (Smiling) Myself, Choi Hyunsuk (최 현석) The CEO of CHOI INDUSTRIES.

All the girls around her started making noises and started cheering her up. Luck is on my side. They knew about me.

One of the girl: Hey Y/N. (Shaking her) You're such a lucky sh1t. I'm so jealous. If I'm in your place I won't even hesitate.

All the girls convincing her. Finally she agreed and gave me her hand.

Y/N: Byun Y/N.. (looking down)

Hyunsuk: (Pulling closer by waist and lifting chin) You're shy? Then what are you doing in a club?

Y/N: Um, I came to my birthday party. (Dancing)

Hyunsuk: What do you think about me?

Y/N: (Stuttering) I-I think you're handsome Mr. Choi..

Hyunsuk: (Little smile) To be honest, I hear that a lot from the girls but it's different when you say.

Y/N: I-I think it's late. I need to go.

Hyunsuk: Let me drop you Miss Y/N. Look no one is here. Looks like your friends left this place too. (Looking at Y/N)

I lift my head, Doyoung nodded his head. My lips slowly formed into a smirk.

Y/N: (Nervous) Okay. I will text my Mom. (Unlocking the phone)

Hyunsuk: (Snatching the phone away) I will do it. (Smiling) Let's go.

She started walking behind me. This girl is so easy to trick. This night is gonna be a lit. (Licking lips)

Doyoung: This way miss.

\\At Hyunsuk's Mansion\\

Doyoung: Sir, everything's set. Miss Y/N is in the bedroom. I texted her Mom that she won't be going home for tonight from Miss Y/N's phone.

Hyunsuk: Take care of the rest. (Smirk) Let me enjoy first. I can't wait. (Walking upstairs)

I opened the door and walked in. She's sleeping peacefully. I gave her a shot of a drug. So that she will cooperate for this fun. (Licking lips)

Hyunsuk: (Taking shirt off) Let's see whether your just a one time use or a long term OBSESSION. (Going through hair)

\\Y/N POV\\

Next day Morning

Holding my head in pain, I tried to open my eyes, but i can't open my eyes it's too heavy. What is this feeling. I tried to sit but there's a sharp pain in my abdomen.

Y/N: (In pain) Th-that hurts. (Eyes widening, gradually, gulping) Why am I n4ked?! (Blinking few times to get clear vision) Where am I..

Suddenly the door gor open. I immediately covered my n4ked body and I looked down.

Doyoung: (Turning around after seeing her) I-I'm sorry young lady. I thought you were already awake. Master asked you to come down. There's a dress for you and few necessary items. Also there's a pill on the table, please make sure you take them before you come down.

Saying that Doyoung walked outside.

Y/N: Yesterday.. (Teary eyes) Mr. Choi offered me to drop and now I am (tears falling) n4ked on the bed. No, looks like I haven't got over my hangover. (Wiping tears) After getting changed, let's leave this place. (Tears falling continuously)

\\Author POV\\

Hyunsuk is sitting on the couch with some papers jn his hands. Y/N came down walking holding her stomach with a tired face. Hyunsuk raised his head and looked at Y/N. A satisfied smirk formed on Hyunsuk's face. He sat up straight.

Hyunsuk: (Sarcastic) Good Morning Miss Y/N. Looks like you're quite a fierce kitty huh? (Licking lips) You satisfied me.

Y/N bit her lips trying her best not to cry. She doesn't know what happend yesterday night. Cause she's on drug. She's been forced. She feels this situation is unfair.

Y/N: (Falling on knees) Please let me go Mr. Choi (crying) Why did you do something so miserabke. I-Im a virgin. (Tears falling) I kept myself away from guys so that I can be happy with one whom I get married to. But you used me just for your desires. (Crying out loud) I'm f*cking 20. How can you do something cruel?! (Screaming) You pathetic MANIAC!

Hyunsuk: (Lifting chin up) Did you know something, I never felt as good as before like this. You're miserable cries turns me one babe. (Licking lips) (Excited like a pyscho) I never sleep with someone whom I once slept with. But yoy should be jumping in joy now, cause I thought of keeping you by my side forever. (Smiling like a maniac)

Y/N eyes filled with fear, looking at yhe psychotic side of Hyunsuk. She thought that she's done for sure.

Hyunsuk: (Licking Y/N's cheek) Baby, I'm addicted to your body.

Y/N: (Too scraed to even breath) I-is there no way for me to escape. (Tears falling) I will report you to the police.

Hyunsuk: (Moving away laughing) Man, you're funny. (Wiping tears due to laughing too much) Go on and try if you don't want your parents to be alive.

Y/N: What?..

Hyunsuk: (Smiling) Ah I forgot to tell you. Ever heard about Black Dog?

Y/N: The underworld Mafia Boss.

Hyunsuk: (Surprised) Woah, that's a surprise. Well you're lucky to be recognized by the Black Dog. (Emotionless)

Y/N: (Looking at Hyunsuk shocked) What?.. You're B-Black Dog?!..

UNHEALTHY OBSESSION 1💔 | HARUTO-HYUNSUK | TREASUREWhere stories live. Discover now