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One year later

I'm working in the kitchen. Out of nowhere the baby came crawling towards me. But while coming towards me, there is a little staircase. He slipped in that and got his head hurt. Without thinking I rushed towards him but stood right infront of him. He's crying. Miss Mary rushed towards the baby and lifted him up. She immediately treated the baby. I just stood there emotionless. After few minutes she mad the baby sleep.

Miss Mary: (Serious) Young lady, he's your child right? Why are-

Y/N: (Screaming) No he is not!! He is never going to be one. I hate him, he disgusts me just like his monstrous father!! (Walking upstairs)

Doyoung: (Sad) Poor child. He's tearing up between his parents fights. I can't even blame young lady. She suffered more than anyone. Please let this myseries end soon. (Praying God)


Day before the end of the contract

I'm feeling the wind. Finally I'm going to get out of this hell. I'm a pathetic mother. It's not the kid's fault but everytime I see him, I get reminded of Juniyu's death. I'm sorry mommy have to leave you behind. Tears started falling from my eyes at the thought of leaving my child behind. To be honest everytime I see him I want to take him in my embrace. I want to play with him, I want to kiss him, pat him, keep him to sleep. But I can't just can't! (Crying) After that one week when I first got burnt due to the soup. Doyoung said Hyunsuk is feeling sorry for his doings and I even went to his personal space. I read his diary. He liked me but he doesn't know how to express them. I thought of accepting everything, and even thought of staying with him forever. But he messed up. IT'S HIS FAULT. I don't want to stay here even if it's for yhe sake of the baby. I know for sure Hyunsuk adores the baby. He's always smiling when he's with the baby. Everything will be alright once I leave this place.

Next day Morning

I packed everything and I'm standing in the living room. Hyunsuk, Doyoung, Miss Mary everyone is in the living room. Hyunsuk has the baby in his arms.

Miss Mary: (Smiling) I'm going to miss you Young Lady.

Doyoung: Take care of yourself Young Lady. (Little smile)

\\Hyunsuk POV\\

She's saying her goodbye. Is she really going to leave me? I wish she changes her mind and stay here. I wanf you. (Biting lips) I want you to stay Y/N.. For me (looking at the baby) For him. For us. After killing Junkyu, she changed. Totally. I'm too blinded by my obsession that I misunderstood everything and messed up our relationship. She finally looked at me, I want to pull her by waist and show her how much I actually live her by kissing. But it's not going to work, right?

Y/N: (Expressionless) Goodbye Mr. Choi. (Bowing) Thanks for taking care of me.

She turned and started walking away with ger luggage. I had an urge to call her and apologize for everything I've done. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. Tears started froming in my eyes. I'm such a pathetic coward. Biting lips. Suddenly the baby extended his hands towards Y/N and he spoke his first ever word.

Mikey: (Stuttering) M-Ma-ma..

My eyes widened at his word. I looked down, I'm sorry my boy. Daddy's such a coward. I can't even make your mom stay.

\\Y/N POV\\

My heart started beating faster, I froze at my spot. Tears started falling from my eyes. My b-bab's forst word.. he-he called me for the first time.

Miss Mary: (Teary eyes) Poor kid.

Mikey: Mama.

If I turn around now, I won't let be able to leave this place anymore. Making my heart into a rock, I walked away cause If I stay for any longer, I may change my mind.

\\Hyunsuk POV\\

Back to present.

Mikey: (Shaking Hyunsuk) Papa! Are you listening?

After hearing that I snapped out of my memories. (Holding head) Why am I remembering those now. They make me emotional. I must do something.

Mikey: Papa, you asked what I want for my birthday right? (Thinking hard with a pout) Papa i want mommy for my birthday. (Eyes sparkling) You never brought mommy home. You always says she's busy in a foreign country. (Puppy eyes) If it's for me, mommy will come for me right? You said she loves me so much right?

Hyunsuk: (Shocked) M-mommy for birthday?..

To be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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