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For the whole night Hyunsuk sat in his personal room and tried his best to throw his feelings away. Looks like Hyunsuk actually liked Y/N, but he didn't know how to express it and behaved like a monster. Finally he felt bad for hurting her and thought of giving a try in bringing her inside his life but he misunderstood.

Hyunsuk: (Emotionless) You will see how cruel I can be.

One week later

Junkyu visited few times in the past days. Hyunsuk is watching everything through the secret cameras. He finally vame to conclusion that they both are in a affair. Hyunsuk didn't even slept in the same bed as Y/N for the past days. Now she's fully recovered and Hyunsuk thought of making her realise when she really belongs to. his feelings and little obsession slowly started turning into an UNHEALTHY OBSESSION.

At night

Hyunsuk: (Slamming the door behind) Y/N. (Cold)

Y/N: Hyunsuk what are you doing?

Even without answering her, he slammed Y/N to the bed and started kissing roughly, he showed how much he's mad through the kiss.

Hyunsuk: (Cold) It's your fault, don't blame me for this anymore.

Y/N understood something is wrong.

Y/N: Hyunsuk.. (low voice)

Hyunsuk: (Raising voice) Don't call me like that anymore! Just don't want to hear that from you.. (forcefully pulling the chin) Don't you dare look with those innocent eyes, you b1tch! Thought you were different after all your a sl*t too. (Smirk) (Emotionless) I won't show mercy to the sluts like you! (Lighting the cigarette) I will show you what's real pain is.

(You can skip this part if you feel uncomfortable. Thank you!)

Keeping the cigarette aside Hyunsuk brought a rope and tied Y/N to the bed. Y/N screamed her lungs out but Hyunsuk is not a human anymore. Hyunsuk took the cigarette in his hand and started burning Y/N's body. Starting from the neck, he burnt every part of her body.
Y/N is screaming nonstop in pain.

Hyunsuk: It hurts right? (Sarcastic)

Y/N: What did I do to you?! Why are you so mad?! You were fine for the whole week! (Crying)

Hyunsuk: (Still burning) You should ask that yourself (throwing the cigarette away)

Hyunsuk started licking the place where he burnt, Y/N is helpless.

Hyunsuk: Let's move to the best part.

\\Y/N POV\\
In the middle of the night

I'm resting my head on the table and looking at the city lights. Due to too much screaming, I lost my voice. I can barely speak. And tears are no more falling. Looks like I cried too much, I don't even have any tears left anymore. I have many thoughts of killing myself. But I promised Haruto that I will wait for him until he completes his studies. It's not even been a month yet I felt every kind of pain.

Next day at the same time

Today he used knife, just like yesterday he licked the blood away. Things can't even get worse anymore.

One week later

It had became a routine of mine to come here at the middle of the night. After all the tortures, this place makes my pain disappear atleast for a while. I don't even dare to look in the mirror. My body, it filled with bruises, cuts, his Mark's. Everything grosses me out. I think due to heavy forceful s3*, I observed many changes in myself. I feel nauseous, I'm having frequent headaches, I can't even eat food.

\\Author POV\\
Next day morning

Hyunsuk again having his desires on Y/N. Suddenly Y/N passed out in the middle which made Hyunsuk mad.

Hyunsuk: (Eyes widened) B-blood..

Dr. Kim came to check Y/N. Miss Mary, Doyoung, Hyunsuk are standing around Junkyu who just examined Y/N.

Junkyu: (Looking at Hyunsuk) Mr. Choi (taking a deep breath) due to extreme s3* the baby got aborted. I'm sorry.

Everyone's eyes widened after hearing that.

Hyunsuk: What are you saying.. (hurt) m-my baby.. (biting lips) she-she's pregnant?..

Junkyu: I suggest you to not have any intimate relationship with her for few months. If the same thibg happens again. She won't be able to give birth anymore.

Hyunsuk: (Glaring at Y/N) She killed my baby.

All of them looked at Hyunsuk shocked.

Junkyu: M-Mr. Choi that's not what I meant, i-it's not her fault it's due to-

Right at the moment, Y/N woke up, Miss Mary walked towards Y/N and told about everything. Hyunsuk without thinking twice he slapped Y/N.

Miss Mary: Hyunsuk!! (Shocked)

Hyunsuk: (Mad) This sl*t killed my baby! You were pregnant and you didn't even bother telling me right?! All these three days you were planning this right?!!

Y/N stayed silent. She just looked down. There is no emotion on her face. Hyunsuk got even more mad at Y/N being silent.

Doyoung: S-si-..

Hyunsuk went towards the table and opened the drawer. There's a pistol in there. He took it and walked towards to Y/N.

Hyunsuk: (Loading the gun) It's all because of you. (Pointing at Y/N)

Miss Mary: Hyunsuk stop it right now!

UNHEALTHY OBSESSION 1💔 | HARUTO-HYUNSUK | TREASUREWhere stories live. Discover now