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\\That evening Hyunsuk POV\\

Hyunsuk: Is she seriously injured?

Doyoung: No Master, Dr. Kim said it's just minor burning. So it will be healed soon.

Hyunsuk: Hm.. okay, I'm going.

Dr. Kim said she needs rest. I will try my best to refrain. I came inside and stood by the bed.

Hyunsuk: (Emotionless) It's not that serious. (Sighing) I think I've been too rough, I will try to be gentle. (Sitting next to Y/N) I-(stuttering) I'm sorry. I should've cared about your feelings too. (Caressing Y/N's head) I don't know how to make you mine so I didthese stuffs.

Hyunsuk touched Y/N's burnt side of the face, she had a painful expression Hyunsuk felt sorry for her.

Hyunsuk: That should've hurt. Just my Mark's makes you wince in pain. I know you're so much sensitive than the normal people. I won't do it again babe..

Hyunsuk closed his eyes and kissed Y/N's forehead. Suddenly his opened his eyes and stood up mad.

Hyunsuk: (Annoyed) I can smell another fragrance on her. It's the scent of a guy. (Eyes becoming red in anger)

Hyunsuk went outside very angry.

\\Author POV\\

Hyunsuk: (With a pistol in his hand Hyunsuk came down) Junghwan bring everyone of the men inside!

The whole house became silent with Hyunsuk's angry voice echoing the whole mansion. Everyone including Doyoung and Miss Mary came to the living room.

Hyunsuk: Who the hell did touch my GIRL?!! (Screaming)

Hyunsuk pointed the pistol at Junghwan.

Hyunsuk: (Glaring) Is it you?

Doyoung: (Shocked and in fear) M-master it's not any one of them. I've been keeping a watch on young lady, to treat young lady Dr. Kim visited her today. (Telling in a breath)

Hyunsuk: (Furrowing eyebrows) Dr. Kim?

Doyoung: Yes master, he treated Miss Y/N.

Hyunsuk: Is she awake when he left?

Doyoung: Yes she is. They both seem pretty close.

After hearing that Hyunsuk felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Hyunsuk: (In disbelief) So, you cheated on me right after three days of the marriage. (Bitter smile) I'm an idiot, I thought of treating you like a real husband. (Throwing the pistol away in anger) F*ck this sh1tty feelings! (Serious) I will you the real Black Dog to you.

Miss Mary: (Worried) Hyunsuk clam down-

Hyunsuk: (In a painful way) Just like you said I felt bad for her. And I thought that she will be the mother for my child so I must treat her liker my real wife. But she had another guy's smell all over her. Am I supposed to be calm even knowing that? No way. No way I will let these stupid feelings come in my way again!

UNHEALTHY OBSESSION 1💔 | HARUTO-HYUNSUK | TREASUREWhere stories live. Discover now