Chapter 2 - He sunk his teeth into the bone and I got hit by a metal pan

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5sos , a band , 5 Seconds of Summer , has a song called Bloodhound and when Michael Clifford sings the part , ' He sunk his teeth into the bone ' , I screamed . Really loud cause I literally died at his angelic voice and the part was so awesome . Accidentally at that point , I had lowered my shield and a metal cooking pan from the kitchen hit me at that exact same moment and knocked me out .

I woke up with pans sticking to me along with knives and other stuff and my parents trying to detach them from my body . Ever since then I was born I have had this high magnetic field powers . When I was a baby , mom put up a shield around me and when I knew how to operate my own shield , I always kept it up . People can touch me even when I have my shield up but only if I allow them . 

And , the other problem , bless genetics , I inherited the capability to absorb other's superpowers and accidentally , I took in a part of Johnny's fire powers and now I am stuck with it and if I don't regulate my body temperature I will combust and reach supernova . I am always hot though and I can't really control it because I have no idea how so I usually stay in super chilled ac areas . 

Dad put the bracelet on my wrist and I lowered my shield down , again . no knives or scalpels came tumbling towards me . 

" It works " ; I said happily . 

" This is temporary though " ; dad reminded me . 

" Why ? I can just wear it for the rest of my life and problem solved ! " 

" Its not problem solved Stace . Its a temporary solution " 

" And how are you going to solve this permanently ? " 

" Sue and I will figure it out " 

" Just get back together . Its been 10 years " 

" Its not that easy kiddo " 

" It is . You say sorry for whatever you did and then you kiss and make up and convince mom to move here with you and then you two date and then you propose and then you marry her ! " 

" I didn't do anything though ! " 

" Look dad , I am your wingman here and as a nearly woman I am advising you that women love to hear a sorry from their lovers " 

" That sounds wrong " 

" Don't look at it from the scientific point of view " 

" Go bother Johnny Stace " ; dad chuckled . 

" I saw the ring in your desk . I know its for mom . She loves sapphire " 

" Stop snooping ! " 

" Only if you man up ! " 

" I can extend your punishment " 

" I will go bother Johnny " ; I said turning on my heel and marching out of the lab . 

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