The magic of Poem.

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Of all the things that one soul can say,

A poem is a wonderful way,

to paint a picture with mere words,

to dance in the stars and walk on the ocean.

It's a canvas that's blank and bare,

waiting for the writer's flair, to bring it to life with each line,

and make it sing,

make it shine,

make it breath with words.

A poem can be about love,

or heartache felt when push comes to shove,

it can be about the sun and moon,

Or about the darkness of a gloomy room.

It could be the sunny garden walk as your character move

from one side

to the other.

The beauty of a poem is this,

it can be anything, it's free to exist,

In the writer's mind, it finds its voice, and in its words, we can rejoice.

So let your words flow like a stream, create a world, let your thoughts gleam,

for in your lines, magic can be found, and in your poem, your soul be unbound. 

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