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In the annals of time, heroes find their place,

Remembered in echoes, a collective embrace.

Yet, in the hallowed corridors where legacy lies,

A profound truth emerges—a legend never dies.

Heroes, stalwart in valor, etched in memory's frame,

Their deeds celebrated, an immortal acclaim.

But beyond the confines where mortal time vies,

A whisper persists—a legend never dies.

For heroes, though revered, may fade in retelling,

Their stories evolving, the nuances compelling.

But legends, like ancient constellations in the skies,

Persist through ages—a truth that never denies.

In the tapestry of tales where valor weaves,

Heroes arise, their impact it leaves.

Yet, as the pages turn and history complies,

A sentinel truth emerges—a legend never dies.

Legends, like echoes, reverberate through time,

Resonating with a rhythm, sublime.

Heroes may rest beneath temporal skies,

Yet, in perpetuity, a legend never dies.

So, in the chapters of lore where heroes reside,

Remembered and honored, their feats as a guide.

Yet, acknowledge the essence that forever implies,

A transcendent declaration—a legend never dies.

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