Whispers of Honesty: Nourishment in Truth's Light

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In the realm of whispered secrets and concealed fears,

I beseech you, dear friend, lend your attentive ears.

For within these lines, a plea unfolds, unsaid,

If you declare, in earnest, where I'm not to be led.

Not in the closet's confines, nor 'neath the beds' embrace,

Nor lurking within shadows, an elusive, spectral trace.

Deny my clandestine abodes, if truth be spread,

And unwittingly assist in the banquet that lies ahead.

In the open expanse of honesty, let the sunlight flood,

Illuminate the corridors, dispel the murk and the mud.

For if you reveal the absence in the places I tread,

You unwittingly pave the path where my hunger is fed.

No longer confined to the darkened, concealed spaces,

I emerge from the veiled corners, revealing hidden faces.

In the honesty's glow, where the secrets are shed,

My sustenance thrives, on the truths that are spread.

With each disclosure, my essence gains its might,

Feeding on the unveiled truths, in the revealing light.

No longer bound by the fear of the unsaid,

I flourish in the honesty, in the truths widespread.

So, dear confidante, be the harbinger of revelation,

Unshackle the bonds of concealment, embrace salvation.

In the liberation of truths, where transparency is bred,

You unwittingly contribute to the banquet I'm fed.

In this expansive tapestry of candor and expose,

My hunger satiates, as the unspoken tale unfolds.

Revel in the knowledge that, by truths widely spread,

You play a part in the feast where my hunger is fed.

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