Ballad: Planet

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In the cosmic expanse where stories are spun,

A ballad unfolds of the Earth, Moon, and Sun.

Each celestial body, a symbol they bear,

Reflecting the tale of human despair.

Verse 1: The Earth (Symbolizing Humanity)

On Earth's vast surface, where mortals reside,

A tapestry is woven with joy and with strife.

In cities that gleam and in shadows that lurk,

Humanity dances, with dreams and with work.

Yet wars are waged, tearing nations apart,

Brother 'gainst brother, a desolate art.

On this spinning globe, in the grip of despair,

The heart of humanity is a burden to bear.

Chorus x 2:

Planet, Sun, and Moon, in celestial rhyme,

Witness the drama of Earth's fleeting time.

A ballad of struggles, of life, and of death,

Echoes through galaxies, drawing each breath.

Verse 2: The Sun (Symbolizing War)

The Sun in the sky, a fierce burning fire,

Igniting conflicts that never expire.

Nations in turmoil, as embers glow,

As the Sun watches, casting shadows below.

Warriors clad in armor, with weapons ablaze,

Fighting for power, in bewildering haze.

The Sun's relentless gaze upon the battlefield,

A witness to horrors, to swords never sheathed.


Planet, Sun, and Moon, in celestial rhyme,

Witness the drama of Earth's fleeting time.

A ballad of struggles, of life, and of death,

Echoes through galaxies, drawing each breath.

Verse 3: The Moon (Symbolizing Death and Hope)

The Moon in the night sky, a silvery guide,

Casting a glow on the ebb and the tide.

As darkness descends, and shadows grow long,

The Moon whispers secrets, a haunting song.

In death's silent realm, where souls find reprieve,

The Moon cradles spirits, a solace they weave.

Yet in the lunar embrace, hope takes its flight,

A cycle is unending, from darkness to light.


Planet, Sun, and Moon, in celestial rhyme,

Witness the drama of Earth's fleeting time.

A ballad of struggles, of life, and of death,

Echoes through galaxies, drawing each breath.


So the ballad unfolds, in the cosmic ballet,

Of Planet, Sun, and Moon, in the grand display.

In the vast cosmic drama, our stories entwine,

A celestial ballad, a narrative divine.

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