Asteroid belt and Asteroid

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In the vast expanse where planets roam,

A celestial dance, a cosmic poem.

Between Mars and Jupiter's embrace,

A realm of rocks, a wondrous space.

The Asteroid Belt, a celestial ring,

Where fragments of worlds silently sing.

A dance of debris, a ballet of stone,

In the cosmic theater, they stand alone.

Asteroids, ancient wanderers of the night,

Carriers of tales, silent in their flight.

Their surfaces were scarred, by time's cruel art,

Yet each holds a story, a piece of the heart.

In the cold darkness, they silently glide,

A testament to the universe's grand stride.

From the dawn of time, they've journeyed afar,

Witnessing the birth of each distant star.

Some small and swift, like whispers in the void,

Others colossal, in gravity's employ.

Amidst the Belt, a celestial parade,

A tapestry of wonders, in shadows laid.

Ode to the asteroids, celestial dreams,

In the silent ballet where sunlight gleams.

Through the cosmic dance, they gracefully twine,

In the Asteroid Belt, where mysteries entwine.

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