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I see her long hair moving in waves when she shakes her head, before she whispers in the softest and sweetest tone she doesn't. 

—But thank you so much —she adds, turning on her feet. 

One of her hands moves her hair out of her face, so she can look at me. It doesn't seem like she was expecting me to be here, because her eyes are wide open and she freezes on the spot, making her moves more carefully now.

Fuck. She's even hotter up close.

—Don't worry —she shakes her hands in the air—. I called a cab, it's all fine.

She keeps looking at both sides of the road, as if she were trying to invoke the taxi right in front of her right now. I take a look at her body, realizing she hasn't brought a jacket, although it's pretty cold out here.

—A cab this late on the busiest day of the week? —I raise my eyebrows, genuinely surprised—. Sorry to be the one telling you, but I doubt that cab will ever come. Or —I pause— it might come, but the driver will have to pick your frozen body up from there.

One of the main reasons why I chose to get the motorcycle license is because traffic in New York is crazy, whether you drive a car or you're the one being driven somewhere. Well, that and that I look cool on it.

—I could go back and wait inside —she points to the pub on my back.

And I'd love to get back in there and tell Taehyung to treat her to a drink while she waits and I try to get to know her better... If it weren't for Tania, and how she thinks I was too busy to give her any type of contact with me.

—It's up to you —I shrug—. I made my offer. A quite tempting one, I dare to say.

And I know she'll agree with me when we're done tonight.

Her eyes go from me to the pub and the road. She has three options and she's battling over the three. Although I see her keeping her gaze longer inside the club, which means I might've lost tonight. 

But she goes back to me. Her big eyes show she's still unsure of what she's going to do, but her body walks slowly to me.

—I don't want to be a bother.

I hide the proud smirk that's about to form on my face, by pressing my lips together and rushing to speak.

—You aren't one. But even if you end up being one, I was the one who came up with the idea. So don't worry.

We both know she won't be a bother.

—I live in Washington Heights —she warns me.

It's not that far from here, and it's like fifteen minutes away from the studio. It shouldn't be a hard ride. But I still joke, showing shock and acting like it's too far for me. Her eyebrows slightly frown, and her mouth grimaces a little, almost taking back what she was going to do.

—Just kidding —I smile.

She looks relieved when she sees my reaction, and smiles along. She looks cute, letting a tiny smile escape and hiding her face by looking away.

—It's not that far, so I can give you a ride there if you need it. But I need to do a stop first.

I wait and look at her, hoping for her to be okay with it. Showing me that tiny smile again, she finally nods and says she's fine with me stopping first. 

Oh, she's definitely in for it.

While looking at her again, I'm aware she's not wearing a coat because she doesn't have one with her. If she's already freezing here, she'll probably have hypothermia once we get to the tattoo studio after the ride. 

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