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While Mark and I are getting the studio ready, leaving everything settled so we can leave earlier, my phone buzzes inside my pocket. Puckering my lips, I do my best at keeping my smile to myself when I notice it's a text from Y/n. Although my smile drops, and I lock the screen again fast when I open her chat and I'm received with a revealing pic of her in underwear.

—Are you alright? —he asks, frowning while looking at me.

—Yeah —I scratch my nape—, but I need to go to the bathroom fast.

Shrugging, he just goes back to his thing, while I just walk fast to the bathroom in the studio so I can check the picture better.

I know I started the teasing game when I sent him a selfie of me at the gym earlier this morning, but this is too fucking much. The way that lace set embraces the curve of her hips, and the way that pink bra just cups her breasts so perfectly... It makes me think of how good they'd look if they were cupped by my hands instead.

I chuckle nervously when I read the text she sent before, asking how it looks on her and whether she should wear it tonight or not. And, honestly, that question better be because she's going to show me herself how good that set looks in person.

She's a fucking tease, and that's all I can think about the rest of the day -even when I'm on my way to the gallery to support her on her first day.

It takes me a short second to make every thought disappear, as soon as I see her through the big windows that allow anyone to take a peek inside the wide place full of people. Her hair is up on a not-so-worked bun that allows some of her locks to fall on her face, although it still allows her bright face to stand out. And that dress she's wearing could cut anyone's breath. The green silk hugs to her body as if it was a second skin, although the skirt still flies in the air every time she moves or makes a quick turn.

—Stop drooling and get inside —Soo teases me.

I give her an annoyed look when she makes that comment, but she still leads me inside the gallery, holding me by my arm -it's for nothing though, because she soon forgets about me when she joins Mark and Tammy greeting Y/n when they come in.

Her eyes stop on me after I step inside, and all I can do is make sure my suit is completely fixed and my messy tail is still in place.

The rest of the night, I'm unable to concentrate on the different drawings and works that are displayed, I'm too focused on Y/n to care about anything else around me. I don't even care about how obvious I might be making it for all of our friends.

At some point, our friends are just gathered together in a corner, while taking the drinks we were offered. I join them, but it's only for a few minutes, until I see Y/n finally alone. Her exposed back attracts my fingers, as if I wouldn't be able to resist the softness of her skin on my fingertips. I trace her spine delicately, seeing her head slightly tilting to the side as soon as I touch her.

—You're a tease —I mention—. You aren't wearing the set you sent me this afternoon.

When she turns to me, she looks nervous. All that confidence she probably thought she had when she sent the pic is long gone. And I can't really tell what side of her I like more.

—I would've loved to take it off with my teeth, with you lying on bed the same way you were on that pic.

She gulps hard, while her cheeks lighten with a powerful red. Seeing her flustered was all I wanted at that moment. And, after getting it, I step back again and walk around the place as if that conversation hadn't happened.

If she wanted to play, she should've known I was all in for it.

I found myself quite unbothered about Jin being around her a few times that night. At the end of the day, he's her boss and also the owner of the gallery. Clearly, he'd talk to her to guide her on any doubts that could come up. And honestly, I didn't think there would be a moment where I would miss seeing Jin being around her instead of other guys.

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