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The girl keeps making eye contact with me, teasing me every time she moves the straw near her lips with a smirk. I only grin in response, knowing perfectly fine what she's trying to do and where this could actually go. As usual, my eyes travel away from her to fix on a different point inside the pub. It's something that has always worked... There's nothing worse for someone than having the attention taken away from you for no reason. I smirk to myself when I feel a tap on my shoulder, and her friendly smile is filled with second intentions. A little bit of sweet talk later, we're both making out outside. Until we break the kiss to breathe, and the blonde I wanted to go home with is a totally different person.

And that's when I snap back to reality. Because that thought only crossed my head while I'm still sitting on the counter, and it ended up with Y/n. It always ends up with her. Trying to get her out of my head, even with the dumbest thoughts, only ends up being a big total fail from my side. And why? I don't know.

It could be regret knocking at my door. But I've regretted the way I talked to her as soon as those words slipped my lips. I was low enough to attack her with her own situation, that she only trusted me to know. And I used it to hurt her, only because I felt hurt over her opinion about the deal.

The way she said it... It made me feel useless, as if she were only around me for the sex and advice, but wasn't that what I signed for? It was obvious she'd use everything she learns sooner or later, it's literally the point of our deal. But my blood was boiling just at the thought of that dickhead touching her.

For the eightieth time, only that day, I pick up my phone and enter in our chat, just to be unable to type anything at all. What am I supposed to say now? It'd be dumb to think she isn't annoyed still, and this won't make it.

Before I save my phone in my pants again, I see a message from Leslie. She keeps insisting on seeing me again, and it's starting to piss me off. I know Mark meant well when he gave her my new phone number, but this is being a little bit too much. And the fact that I'm already pissed off in general doesn't help when I click the block button and forget about it.

Pissed off, I stand up from my place and head outside. I guess it's time to get back home.

And what's better than video games to free your mind?

I take a seat on the floor, resting my back against the couch, after I've changed my clothes to some baggy comfortable ones. I'm finally immersed in something that isn't my own thoughts, feeling able to escape from the mess I made.

—Jungkook, just stop playing if you're gonna be this bad —Tae calls me out through the earphones.

—Who will you play with, huh? —I ask, raising my eyebrow while my focus is on killing people from the other group.

—Anyone else, literally —he sighs—. If you're so distracted because of that girl, just go and talk with her.

I tried that, and I failed as well. Just a few days ago I drove to her house, and stood in front of the main door for twenty minutes until I gave up. There was no point for me to stay there. How would she even react if she had seen me there out of nowhere?

It's going to be a long night... Well, as they all have been since I fought with Y/n.

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If last night I thought there was no hope left, I receive a text from Soo. She's inviting me again to go boxing with her. I wish she'd just accept I'm fine with doing it on my own, because we aren't at the same level, and I like being a bit rough when it comes to it?

"Tam, Mel and Y/n are also here"

And that text makes me think that maybe it won't be a bad idea after all. I wanted a chance to see Y/n and that doesn't seem forced. My sister invited me and she just happens to be there, so it's not a bad idea at all.

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