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I get home, like I usually do, like I've been doing the past three months since Leslie decided to start some design courses. Both me and Mark were fine with her doing that, she was tired of doing the same thing in the studio and was looking to do something new. I loved that from her. How she was never afraid of testing herself and taking risks, always trying to learn new things.

Ever since she started that course, she'd leave the studio an hour or so earlier, and we'd meet back home, where she'd be waiting for me with a beautiful smile. It was crazy how good changes looked on her: her hair was brighter, her skin looked smooth and her mood boosted.

Today is different though.

Mark said we had no customers left, so he told me to get home earlier because he was the only one that'd be busy that evening.

Something stops me from crossing the door though, my phone ringing in the back pocket of my jeans.

I open my eyes slowly, meeting the darkness in my room and the warmth of my blankets when I'm fully aware of the place I'm in. I roll in bed, insulting myself for having that dream again after so long. I thought I moved on from that, I genuinely thought I wouldn't be having that dream again, but guess I was wrong.

I groan when the phone doesn't stop ringing, and sneak my hand out of the blankets to reach it.

If it's Taehyung, trying to get me to pick me from somewhere else, I'm going to kill him. I don't know what time it is, but I'm going to kill him.


I'm even more confused when I see her nickname on my phone screen, because why is she calling at four in the morning? I bet whatever she needs to say can wait for a more normal time.


While I wait for her answer, I roll on the bed again, lying my back on the mattress. She's totally silent, I can't even hear her breathing, so I kind of assume she might've called by mistake. I'm getting ready to hang up the call, but her voice stops me.

—What's the penalty if one of us doesn't carry out their part of the deal? —she asks fast.


—Are you fucking serious? —I sigh hard— It's 4 am, what's your fucking problem?

—We never mentioned what could happen. And it's already been a week.

And she thinks about this at four in the morning. She could've asked me that earlier this evening, yet she didn't. She waited for me to get home, and fall asleep to do it. Unless...

—Is this an excuse to make sure I didn't take anyone home after leaving your house?

—No —she rushes to answer—. Listen...

—I'm a man who can keep a promise —I continue either way—. But I can tell you what I did after getting home...

—That's not what I called for —she replies back.

Sure, thing. If that isn't the reason, I can't make up who in their right mind would call just to ask something like that. Either she's crazy or she wants to annoy the fuck out of me. And, at this point, it's probably the two of them.

—I didn't think of anything because we are both grown ups. The moment one of us wants to walk away, it'll be okay —I decide to answer her question—. Why? Do you want to write down some penalties?


That answer leaves me confused, but I find it funny for some reason. She's contradicting herself and she just doesn't mind.

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