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I open my eyes fast, sitting up on the bed, when I feel my heart about to explode in my chest when my sleep is interrupted by a scream and the constant movement on the right side of the bed. Y/n's body shakes, while agony is tinted on those wrinkles forming around her eyes.

—Let me go —she whines, shaking her head.

I try to stop all of her movements, holding her arms softly, but I keep being pushed away by her small hands. Confused, and unsure of what to do, I just hold her tight, wrapping my arms around her shaky body. She fights against me constantly, her palm making my skin burn every time she slaps my naked torso, until a sudden move gets my attention. Her body suddenly jerks, and all those whimpers and frenetic moves stop. Now I can only hear the sound of her shaky breath, as she tries to recompose from whatever she had going on in her dreams.

She seems so vulnerable, so scared, that I'm only able to hold her tighter, wrapping my arms tighter around her shoulders while my fingers dig in her sweaty locks.

—It was just a nightmare —I assure her, trying to keep my voice as low and calm as possible—. I'm here. You're safe.

The pumping of her heart is rough and fast, as if it were fighting against her skin to make me aware of its existence when I lay my hand on her stomach. I don't know what kind of dream she's had, but the way her whole body is trembling right now only tells me it must've been horrible.

She rolls under my embrace, turning her body to face me. Her concerned expression is the first thing I see when I open my eyes.

—Sorry. I always wake you up.

That guilt on her tone seems to be the last straw for me, because I pull her closer to my body, trying to vanish those thoughts away. The last thing I need is Y/n feeling guilty because she woke me up in the middle of the night, for something that she isn't able to control. It's not her fault.

—Don't be dumb, cocktease —I move my nose on her forehead, attempting to give her a tiny peck to calm her down—. Just try to sleep again.

I wrap my arms around her tighter -something that could seem impossible, but that I end up making because I can't stand the sensation of having any air between us -especially when she's feeling bad or sad. My heart feels full when she responds to that hug, embracing my waist with one of her arms before she tries to fall asleep again.

✸ ✸ ✸

I wake up first, something that seems to be a ritual between us. It might have a lot to do with the fact that I work early in the morning, while she doesn't have to get to work until later in the day -or how she doesn't have to work at all today, since it's her day off.

And just like I always do, I think it'd be a good idea to prepare breakfast instead of staying beside her, enjoying her warmth and her calmness -or how close she is right now. Or how tempted I am to call in sick today.

I take my clothes for the day outside, hopeful of not waking her up since it seems she's finally getting some good deserved sleep, and I put myself to work with the breakfast. Coffee, juice, toast, fruits... Everything that could be of her liking, and that doesn't take a lot of work from me -and that doesn't require the stoves to be put to use.

When I peek through the door, I find her sitting in the middle of the bed, her body still covered with the sheets, while her face just seems confused at her own thoughts.

—You're awake —I bring her back to reality—. As much as I like how you look in my bed, breakfast's ready.

Her hair sways in the air when her head shakes, and she looks up to me. She stays a few seconds in silence, but I know it won't last long when she throws a small smile.

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