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I roll on the bed, letting my arm fall lazily over her side of the bed, just to find it empty. I move my head up suddenly, only finding her sheets wrinkled and messed up towards the edge of the mattress. I stay in silence for long enough to hear some clicking metallic sounds coming from outside -probably the kitchen.

As I step outside with a new pair of boxers, the smell of warm bread flies in the air. And I can't help but feel my stomach grunting in response automatically. Although something else also wakes up when I see her body in front of the door, only covered with one of my t-shirts, while she's concentrating on cutting something .

My arms reach her body as if she had some type of magnetic pull in them, moving down the white fabric so I'm able to touch her skin directly while my lips shower her shoulder and neck with kisses until I reach her jaw. Her head instinctively moves to the side, allowing me to do what I want to do right now.

—What are you preparing? —I rest my chin on her shoulder.

—Coffee, toasts —she points to the apples and the grapes—, and I wanted to cut some fruit, too. I wanted to do it before you woke up.

—Should I go back to bed and pretend I saw nothing?

—You should —she starts peeling one of the two apples—. You ruined the surprise.

Still thinking we aren't close enough, I move my hands over her hips, until my arms are wrapped around her waist, with my body fully glued to her -as it should- and my chin resting at the top of her head.

—Babe, I can't move further from you now. Sorry —I hug her even tighter, making her cackle.

I tap her belly when I see her cutting the big grapes in two, asking her to give me some while she's at it. Raising her hand over her head, she gives me a full one before she gets to cut it.

—Hmm, it's so sweet —I munch on the fruit, cheering and moving lightly, and also making her body move with mine.

—Is it? —she looks back at me— Let me taste it.

Leaning in, I link her lips with mine in a soft kiss as soon as I get the chance. Fuck the grape, her mouth tastes even sweeter when she rolls her tongue on mine. Y/n turns on her feet, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me closer.

The rub of her belly against me, mixed with the soft gasps that leave her lips every time our tongues touch make me groan in a needy way.

I don't even want breakfast anymore.

—I'm starving —I whisper when we break the kiss.

—I won't take long.

I chuckle, pinching her chin before I lean over her again, rubbing her lips on mine.

—I'm not starving for food.

My fingers tangle on the elastic of my boxers -that are now wrapped around her hips-, sliding them down her legs until they fall around her ankles. She doesn't stop me. Instead, she kicks the boxers away without taking her eyes off me. I lift her body, laying it on the counter and feeling her whole body squirm at the first contact with the cold surface. Although I want to see that same reaction over something else.

I kneel in front of her, digging my tongue and lips through her folds with no previous preparation and no teasing. Her breath gets faster when I twirl my tongue around her clit, and she tries to find support on the counter and my head -pushing my bangs away while her palm finds its resting place at the back. She looks so beautiful when she's trying to control herself, pressing her lips together and fighting her own eyes from closing whenever I look up to her.

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