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I wake up to a scent that isn't mine. No, it's too heavy and too strong to be mine. That too sweet smell of vanilla almost makes me dizzy when I try to open my eyes to get up. And when I finally find the way to completely wake up, I feel a weight on my back that doesn't let me lift my torso while something is embracing my waist.

Moving my hair away from my face, so I can look over my shoulder, I see a thin arm wrapped around me.

Oh, right. The girl from last night.

I try to crawl away from her embrace, and be fully able to control my body, but her grip around me gets tighter. I try it a few times, but every time I move a few inches, she pulls me back and her hand goes lower on my body. She keeps me back from running away, when I feel her arm isn't the only thing wrapped around me. She's lowered her hand so much to the point where she's holding my crotch, closing her fingers harder and tighter around me whenever I try to move away.

I press my lips together, trying to hold back the whimpers that are aiming to come out due to pain.

It takes me a long while to free myself. I try a lot of different things, I try to move my body to make her uncomfortable, I try to pull her fingers away... But nothing works. At least not until I manage to hook my fingers in between hers, finally making her lose strength on me.

Honestly, I don't even know how I manage to do it. But I move outside of the bed fast, even if I end up falling to the ground.

I start walking away, trying to make the least sound possible so I can escape from here without waking her up. I really don't want to deal with the weirdness that comes along with getting up next to a stranger, especially when this same person was trying to tear my dick from my body.

I sigh, running my finger over the scratch on the side of my motorbike, the gray color standing out among the lacquered black.

It's been two days, and I still can't understand what was wrong with that freak.

For the first time in two weeks, I'm coming in later than Mark. But he still feels the audacity of looking at me with disapproval.

—I had an emergency —I leave my things in the little closet behind the counter.

—What's the name of that emergency? —he looks at me, raising his eyebrow— Paula? Steph? Kat?

—I wish I remembered —I tilt my head.

I hear him huffing. And when I turn to him, he's playing with that dilatation on his ear. He always does it when he gets frustrated, something that usually happens when he's with me.

—You should try to settle down again.

—I thought y'all were so happy seeing me carefree. What changed?

—We're happy seeing you carefree —he shrugs—. But we still think you should try to meet someone new, in a deeper way.

—Trust me, I know the girls I meet in a real deep way —I joke.

Mark chuckles after my comment, getting up from the stool he was sitting in, just to walk up to me.

—You know what I mean. It's been seven months, you had fun. I'm not telling you to marry the first girl you meet next, but try to spend time with them. Something that doesn't last a TV ad.

—Did Soo tell you to talk to me about this?

I look at him, squinting my eyes. I know by that nervous smile on his face that my sister convinced him to talk to me about this. They all are so easy to read.

I can understand why my sister would ask him this anyway, Mark has been like an older brother ever since I moved here. He's always treated me as if I were part of his family, and has done a lot of things for me ever since I came here.

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