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Soo keeps walking around her house, making sure she's leaving nothing behind before she turns to me. It doesn't last much, because she asks something to herself and goes back to checking everything is inside the small bag she's carrying.

—You can't be fucking serious —I take the bag away from her—. Pajamas and underwear, that's all you need for tonight. Remind me why you're coming with me —I say annoyed.

—Because Mark is picking up Yoongi, Hobi and Namjoon —she takes her bag back—. And because Tammy and Y/n are coming with us. And since Melanie is already there, they only know us.

—Tammy knows Mark, too. And I'm sure she's hung out with Yoongi a few times —I reply back.

—Yeah, but not Y/n —she places her hands on her hips, looking as if she were going to scold me like she used to before she moved out—. She's only close to Tammy, so I wanted them two to be together at least on our way there. Imagine making someone go four hours in a car with three people she isn't close to.

—You literally did that with me the first time you forced me to hang out with your friends —I roll my eyes—. It's good to see you finally care about what people are comfortable with.

Soo doesn't argue with me, she just throws her head back out of desperation and hangs her bag on her shoulder. Before we can ever get to her car, she keeps reminding me to stop at Tammy's first, because she's the one that lives closer to her house, and go to pick Y/n last because she's the one that lives closer to the exit to the hallway.

It's giving me a headache how she has everything under control... Or so she thinks.

She and Tammy start talking as soon as she gets in the car, and I'm thanking god for it, because Soo was taking every bit of patience by reminding me of the route plan every five minutes. She keeps telling me we should stop after two hours of driving, because I'll get tired -although she doesn't offer to switch and drive for once- and because we should eat before getting there.

—So, how's everything going? —Tammy finally asks me— You haven't talked at all.

—And interrupt you two and that interesting conversation about that girl in your gym class? —I ask with irony— But it was getting interesting.

—It's interesting —she nods—. That's why you should join us.

—No, thank you —I shake my head—. Unlike you two, I do want to do boxing and exercise.

—Excuse me, Rocky. We didn't want to offend you —Soo taps my head, pushing it playfully.

—How are things with that gym crush going? —I look at Tammy over my shoulder.

—They aren't going —she huffs annoyed—. I flirt with him, he flirts back... But when it's time to actually do something, he totally disappears.

—Poor boy. Maybe he's shy.

—No, he's not. I hooked up with guys that were shy, and he isn't —she says annoyed—. But I'm not worried. Laundry guy is cuter, and seems like he's actually interested.

I shake my head, laughing at how easily she has it to move on from one person to the other. Love that for her, to be honest. She knows what she wasn't, but knows even clearer what she doesn't want.

They both seem surprised that I know the way to Y/n's place without either of them guiding me, just for Tammy to remember that Melanie wasn't feeling well and called Mark so one of us would go with her.

—You weren't an asshole to her, weren't you? —Tammy squints her eyes at me.

—Oh for fuck's sake, no —I shake my head—. We barely spoke.

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