1 Queen of Kings

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"Apologies my King but we have seen something that definitely needs your attention" spoke one of the guards, he came from the upper viewpoints which kept others from coming unseen in the castle. 
"And what is so important that you have to come to me this early?" The King asked coldly
"My king, the golden dragon he was seen again, very close to your kingdom." The second guard spoke with his head lowered to show respect, he was young and not as long in his job as his partner.

"Where did he come from?" The King asked again coldly
"I could not say, he came out of the clouds and disappeared in it again" the young guard spoke again.
"Mh, prepare your people of anything possible, if you see him again tell me and keep your eyes on heaven." The King spoke walking down from his giant throne.
"Of course my king" the guards said and bowed as they walked away.

"So they plan my fall from grace.." echoed a powerful female voice through the walls of the castle.
"Where did you hear that?!" She asked.
No answer.
"Where?! Did you hear that?!" Her voice was getting under the skin of everyone around.
"T-the guard who had the last night watch in the weapon section m-my queen" the shaking voice from the young guard who's standing in front of her got lower and lower from word to word he said.
"Look at me." The Queen told him so he looked at her.
"Are you afraid of me?" She asked tilting her head to side.
The man said nothing.
"I asked you a question"
"N-no my Queen" the young guard shook his head.
"Then tell me, why there's so much fear in your voice when you speak to me?" The Queen asked calmly but interested.
"I have never been in the presence of you my queen" he spoke.
"Nor in the presence of a dragon right behind you" he looks to the black green beast wich lies behind of the throne the Queen sits in.
"I understand your fear, Trantor looks terrifying to you but as long as you are not doing something wrong he has no reason to react." The Queen spoke.
"My queen, I apologize for my sudden appearing" a guard came in.
"Speak" she commands him
"Princess Naerys is back" he said coming to point fast.
"Finally. Be so good and guide this youngster out" she said getting up from the throne and leaving the castle to see how her beloved daughter was doing.
The golden dragon stood in front of her growling and letting her daughter from it's back.
"Where have you been so long with Daera?" The Queen asked looking to her daughter and the dragon.
"Flying over our kingdom and looking what the others are doing" the Princess answered.
"You know I hate to say that but, you have your duties as princess of Dragonstone" she hugged her daughter.
"I know, but you know I hate to be inside all the time, I want to be free and see what's in the world" Naerys said to her mother.
"I know my dear, I feel the same but I am Queen and can not just sit on my dragons back and fly to be free, once you will be queen and you will have the same duties as I do now" she said and turned to the dragon.
"You can not lock me up mother"
"That is not that what I meant Naerys. There are dangers in the world your father and his dragon left us forever because of that."
"But I am not my father!" Naerys got louder.
"I do not want to loose you too my dear. Please try to understand that." The Queen said pulling her daughter in a hug again.
"I know mother, but- you know I have an idea" the Princess cuts herself in the middle of her sentence.
"What idea my beloved?" The queen asked.
"Let us fly together, we have not done it for a very long time" Naerys offered.
"Good idea" with a high pitched whistle she called her dragon.

Her dragon came with a loud roar and both got on their dragons, one was flying with them just for safety.
"Sovētes!" The Queen called out and the three dragons got up in the air.
They flew a very long time.

The bright horn of the elves sounded when three dragons could be seen in the sky.
"Call the King!!" The voices from the guards shouted.
"I am here" the cold voice from the elven King echoed over the upper viewpoints.
"Get them down but not threatening. Try to get their attention." He commanded not knowing that two dragons had a rider.

So the elves called out with their bright horn to get the dragons attention.
And it worked.
The dragon of the Queen reacted first.
She told her daughter and the dragons to get down to the woods of the elves.
With big flaps of their grate wings they got fast to the Greenwoods castle. One dragon circling over them.
Received from the king himself.
The Queen got down from her dragon. "I am sorry if we caused trouble by coming near your landings" she spoke.
"We did not expect riders on the dragons. With who am I speaking?" The King asked.
"Maesera Targaryen the last dragon and Queen of Dragonstone" the Queen answered formally and asked back "with who am I speaking?"
"Thranduil king of the greenwood, Welcome in my landings" the King spoke.
"Thank you." She smiled "my daughter is with me, Naerys Targaryen Princess of Dragonstone"
"I can introduce myself mother" Naerys smiled.
"What got you here? So far from your home?" Thranduil asked.
"Just a daughter who wanted to spend some time with her mother" Naerys answered knowing full well that the King asked her mother.
"And I can answer a question myself my dear" Maesera told her daughter pushing her in her position as Princess.
King Thranduil smiled about the two standing in front of him.
"So you ride dragons? Do you have more than these three may I ask?"
"We have got more, I could tell you more about them another time your grace." The Queen spoke with a polite smile.
"That would be a great honor, I have only heard tales about them of yours" Thranduil said. "I would like if you and the Princess come to the summer event in three days"
"Thank you for the offer I am sure we can take some time out of our duties" Maesera smiled.
"Mother? I do not want to hurry you but it is getting late, we should return" Naerys reminded
"You are right, thanks for your time." The Queen said smiling and turning her head down a little intimating a bow. Which was really surprising her daughter because she never did that.
"I am honored your grace, until three days" The King smiled too.

The Queen and the princess got on their dragons and said something in a language the King could not understand.
The dragons got in the air and disappeared in the dark clouds.


Hello my dear readers I hope you liked the first part and you'll continue to read

Greetings your Elaenyra 💚

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