16 A jealous King

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The sun did not wake the King nor the Queen but she was awake.
She looked into the dark but beautiful heaven and saw her dragons circle in the wind currents.

She got up and dressed herself,
The Queen was dressed into a black dress what showed much of her shoulders and collarbones in an elegant way, it had a few rubies on her shoulders. And as always, she wore her dragon brooch.
She too braided her hair into a half braid down and let two strands of her white hair hang into her face.

Maesera felt very weak this morning but didn't want to make any drama of it.
The dragon Queen went quiet out of the quarters and outside to her dreadful-beauty.

"Syz tubis, nuhyz gevie riña" the Queen greeted her dragon lady.
Drohaeleys was laying and looked at her rider.
The Queen walked to her dragons head and stroked over her nose, the dragon just huffed and closed her eyes again.
Maesera walked up the giant wing and lays down on her dragons back.

They were laying like this until Drohaeleys moved up her head at first and then stood up.
"Qilōni iksos zyri ñuhyz riña?" The Queen asked her dragon who was there.
"Ziry iksos issa." Lord Namor's deep voice sounded telling the Queen 'it's me'.
Drohaeleys growled and the Queen sat up "did you meet him?"
"Yes I did, he grew well" the Lord said and passed Drohaeleys' head.
"Indeed. He missed you, same as I did" the dragon Queen walked down her dragons wing and stood in frond of Namor.
He just looked at her.
"What?" Maesera asked in a soft voice.
"I, actually don't know what I could say. At one time you're sweet and polite and the other time you are cold and mad." Namor wanted to lay a hand on her shoulder but didn't.
"I would tell you what happened but I fear I'd die because of a broken heart" the Queen was still not over everything that happened.
"Then don't. Just look me in my eyes, looks tell more than a thousand words ever could" Namor stepped to the dragon Queen and lays his hand on her shoulder.

Maesera looked in his eyes without the cold mask she learned to wear over the years.
Lord Namor saw a broken and sad woman with a strong mind and heart but everyone has lingering demons deep inside.
After that he pulled her in a hug, and to his surprise the Queen returned the hug.
Dandaerion the cream-scaled dragon landed beside Drohaeleys and even the two dragons leaned their heads together.

"Would you fly with me?"  Maesera asked Namor, she actually wanted to know if her dragon lady was still faster than Dandaerion.
He was the only dragon from Maesera that has a rider except her.
"I'm not sure how he thinks about it" he said and looked to the dragon.
"Well, I think you'll have to find it out" the dragon Queen told him and walked up her dragons wing.
The Lord walked to Dandaerion and stroked over his nose.

"Kostilus gaomagon daor ossēnagon issa, ñuhyz raqiros" Namor walked to the dragons wing, telling him 'please don't kill me', Dandaerion leaned down to show his rider that it's okay for him to be ridden.
"See? You have bonded thousands of years ago, it hardly can be broken" Maesera spoke to him.
"We were only flying two times together."
"That was enough, if you wouldn't have a slightest bit of a bond you'd be dead by now"
"Very reassuring, thank you" Namor said sarcastically.

That made Namor remember the first time he rode Dandaerion.

It was winter on Dragonstone, Namor and Maesera were 23 and 18 years counted in human years.

"Go on" Maesera sat already on her dragon lady's back.
"I don't know how to ride a dragon" Namor said with a bit of fear in his voice.
"Nobody does until he rides a dragon" Maesera smiled and the dragon huffed and nudged him a bit with his nose.
Namor locked his fear out and climbed up to his dragons back.
"On what do I hold on to?" He asked his best friend.
"Everything you can" she laughed a bit.

Namor did what the Princess said and his dragon understood that as a 'you can fly'.
The cream-scaled dragon took a few steps and glided down the wind currents.
Maesera waited until Dandaerion came back up and gave Drohaeleys the sign to fly, she did the same as Namor's dragon.

The two best friends were laughing and enjoying the time.

Namor got back to reality by his dragon.
He walked up the wing and as soon as he sat on the dragons back, the Queen and her dreadful beauty were circling above them.

"Jāhor ao sōvegon rūsīr issa? Nykeā gaomagon nyke emagon naejot umbagon syt pyrys jēdri?" The dragon Queen shouted down to him 'will you fly with me? Or do I have to wait a thousand years?'
The Lord of the Lightless Lands laughed and shouted a joyful "Sōvēz!"
Dandaerion let out a happy roar and got up into the air.
"Daor worries, ao gaomagon daor emagon naejot umbagon bisa bōsa" Namor told her that she wouldn't have to worry or wait long like this.

The King woke up and didn't found his Queen in the bed.
"Maesera? Are you here my love?" Thranduil asked loudly, in hope that her soft voice would sound of the bathroom.

The elven King got ready and left his chambers.
Maybe she's outside? He thought.
On the way he met his son.
"Legolas have you seen Maesera?" He asked his son.
"I saw her outside with her dragon, why?" He replied.
"I was worried, she wasn't in the bed when I woke up" The King spoke and looked out of a window into the dark blue sky.
"I'm sure she's fine when she's with her dragon" Legolas told his father and went into the library.

King Thranduil went outside and looked at the two dragons in the sky, seeing that his wife is on her own dragons back, and when he looked at the other one that there was Lord Namor.
No one would only dare to think about it but the King was incredibly jealous, not because he didn't rode a dragon but because it was Namor with her up there.

As he thought about it he went back inside and to their chambers.

Lord Namor saw Maesera's husband and said to her as they were over the clouds "I think he's jealous"
"Thranduil? Why would he be jealous?" The Queen didn't knew what he meant.
"Because you're up here with me and not him. Not that I wouldn't enjoy it up here with you" Namor grinned and earned a 'you're-not-fucking-serious-man' look.
"You know that, this was a joke right" he asked laughing and Maesera joined him.

The dragon Queen and the Lord of the Lightless Lands were flying until it was late evening again, after they said goodbye to each other Maesera went to her chambers.

"Thranduil?" The Queen asked because she didn't find him.
"I'm here" his voice was full of coldness.
Maesera walked to the balcony where her husband stands.
"What keeps you busy?" Maesera asked her King sweetly.
"You. It seems like you're distancing yourself from me" Thranduil didn't even looked at his wife.
"I'd be happy if you'd look at me when we're talking my love" the Queen laid her hand on his arm.
Thranduil turned to her, "You're flying all day long and laugh with-"
"Are you jealous?" She laughed.
No answer.
Maesera smiled and said "Especially you, my untouchable King of Mirkwood, do not have any reasons to be jealous of anyone"


A flight makes a King jealous...
Well I hope you liked it and continue reading

Greetings Elaenyra 💚

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