12 The marriage

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Maesera was with Lily in her chambers getting ready for the greatest moment of her life.

"Don't you think it is to much Lily?" The always confident Queen was now as unsure as a little girl.
"No you look more beautiful than anything in the world that someone ever could imagine" Lily said while she placed little diamonds in her Queens hair.
"Thank you my sweet girl" the Queen still wasn't sure about herself.
Lily was ready with the diamonds and looked at her adoptive mother. "Wow, they won't get their eyes off you"
Maesera smiled at Lily and looked into the mirror.

Her dress was silver and had a lot of glitter on it and also sapphires on the corset they were close to each other and getting less the more down you look.
Her shoes were also silver.
Her hair was naturally curled and just a small braid with the upper hair part was done, the rest of her hair was falling open in curls in all it's length to her hips, in her hair strands were diamonds which made her hair look like it would shine like the brightest star.

"Good gods, Lily thank you, I can't remember the last time I looked beautiful like this" the dragon Queen said with tears of happiness in her eyes.
"Do not thank me for that Maesera, that was the least I could do after everything you did for me" Lily said smiling and hugged her.

Thranduil was ready with his outfit too and already standing in the royal garden beside the altar and waiting for his beloved Queen.
His robe was silver too and had too sapphires on it but not as much as Maesera's dress.
His hair was open and straight down as always but still, he looked different than usually.

And not just the people of Maesera's and Thranduil's kingdom were there, all the dragons from Maesera were flying above them and didn't make threatening noises as usually they too sounded happy.
It was a magical sight to see 16 dragons flying above all those people.

And then the moment came and music started to play and Maesera came out of the castle with Lily beside her.
Thranduil couldn't take his eyes of his Queen and smiled the most happy smile than ever.
When the dragon Queen finally stood before her beloved.
Both whispered "you look great my love" as they ended they giggled a bit but getting seriously again.

"Thank you all that come here to give evidence to this special union, not just two hearts will be united, two kingdoms will be one too" the priest spoke.

Thranduil and Maesera smiled at each other and listened to the priest until he spoke to the two of them.
"Will you King Thranduil of Mirkwood, care for Queen Maesera of Dragonstone, protect her from any harm and love her until your lives end?"
"Always and forever" he said and meant it like that, he was never so sure of anything in his live.
"And will you Queen Maesera of Dragonstone, be on King Thranduil's side, care and fight for him and love him until your lives end?" The priest asked now the Queen.
"Always and forever" she said and looked into her husband's eyes.
"In the name of the old gods and the new you are united for all eternity" the priest said happily

Thranduil kissed Maesera with all his love and the crowd clapped and cheered.
Then a known voice was heard "I congratulate you two and my apologies for being late"
Thranduil and Maesera turned around and saw Legolas smiling at them.
"Welcome back Legolas" the Queen smiled.
Legolas came up to the two and something happened that no one ever thought of, Thranduil pulled his son in a hug and said "Welcome home my son"

The crowd cheered again in happiness.
All celebrated in the royal garden and everyone congratulated the just married couple and the comeback of the prince.

It was getting late into the night and they were still not finished.
It was too good to be true and it was sure that this couldn't last long.

"My queen, my apologies for interrupting but there is a Lord Namor that wishes to see you" a servant spoke.
The Queen took a deep breath to not let the world explode with fire.
The dragons felt it and the ones that weren't flying now immediately got up in the air and the happy noises turned into threatening noises again, they growled and roared.
"What is it my love?" The King asked and laid his hand on Maesera's.
"My past is getting me again" the Queen said and looked at the black haired elf, who was standing in the crowd staring at the Queen.

The King looked in the direction and got the manipulative stare of the elfling and studied his appearance, his hair was straight and reached to his ribs, his right eye was gold and his left eye was green, he had a scar over the left eye down to his cheek, an angular face with high cheekbones to be seen strong, and a muscular but not wide body.

"Who is him?" Thranduil asked.
"The lord of the Lightless Lands Namor the loveless, he once wanted to marry me, we were good friends but he wanted more as I did" the Queen said looking at Thranduil again as Namor turned away.
"And for what is he here now?" Thranduil asked his wife again.
"I don't know but he looks like he wants something from me" she said and got up. "I'll be right back"
The King grabbed her hand quickly and looked at her. "I don't want you to get hurt let me come with you"
"He won't do anything to me, all my 16 dragons are here, the guards and not to forget you, if he dares to touch me he knows what would happen" the Queen said.
"That was not a question my love" the King got up from his seat and went with his wife to this Lord of the Lightless Lands.

The Queen was not amused to see Lord Namor and she decided to show that to him.
"Long time no see my Queen" he spoke.
"Not long enough" the Queen simply said with a glare.
"Mhh, please be nice to me it wasn't my choice to-"
"What?! Disturb me in my luck and try to get me? No really go back to the hole you got out of" the Queen said pissed and even if the elven King didn't show it he was impressed how rude Maesera could be.
"To come here today I actually wanted to say, it was planned that I'd arrive in two days" the Lord glared back, no one ever glared back at Maesera because of the power she held.

The black haired elf was taking a step closer to Maesera but was stopped by Thranduil, the King stepped between the two and in the same moment Drohaeleys flew over their heads and grabbed roaring after Namor as warning.
The Lord immediately stepped back. "My apologies" he said sarcastically and had his manipulative smile again.


And here we go again, it's like my live no one is letting me live my live without kicking in 🤌🏼
Hope you liked it

Greetings Elaenyra 💚

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