21 A thousand years

38 0 2

Another two thousand years passed and Maesera sat on the balcony with her husband and a little girl on his lap.

"Daddy can you tell me again how you saved mommy?" The little girl asked and smiled.
"Again? I'm very sure that you know this story by heart now" Thranduil chuckled and stroke through the girls white hair.
"But I wanna hear it again, pleaseee" the little Princess begged.
A knock on the door was heard and Legolas came in.
"Legolas!" She called out and ran towards him.
"Hello Aera" he said and picked her up.
Thranduil smiled and asked "Son, what brings you here?"
"Her." He nodded his head to his half-sisters side.
"I almost get the feeling that our daughter loves her big brother more than her own parents" the Queen laughed.
"Maybe it's because he brings her and Aerys always sweets" he said and chuckled.
"See nothing stays a secret for long in this family" Legolas looked to his younger sister.
They all laughed.

Lily came in and said laughing  "Sorry for interrupting but I had hoped I'd find Aerys here"
"What has he done now?" Thranduil asked with an expression of amusement in his face.
"That what he always does, stealing my blade and running away with it" she replied and in this moment the little boy ran into the room without noticing Lily.
"I think we're gonna call you two the twins of trouble" their mother laughed.
Aerys turned around and saw Lily leaning on the doorframe.

The family seemed to be happy, Legolas and Lily are spending much time together, she teaches him High Valyrian and he teaches her Sindarin.
Thranduil and Maesera are actually happy too, he doesn't have to teach her Sindarin because she already speaks it but the Queen teaches him her mother tongue.
But what keeps getting worse is the Queen's shaking hands and her fainting attacks, they all are very worried about her especially because she is pregnant again.

Anyways, Lily got back her blade and Legolas went with her as she stepped out of the door.

"I think she likes him" Maesera said referring to her adoptive daughter and stepson.
"Clearly, but I think he's not getting it" Thranduil chuckled and looked at the twins, who were happily playing with the wooden dragons. "You know, I too often think about the sentence you said to Namor when he stabbed you."
The Queen looked down.
"You've never told me what you said to him" he looked at her.
She looked at the serving girl and nodded in the direction of the door. "Come on you two, let's play outside" the girl said and took the twins outside.
"You know, my ex-husband was lovely in the first years we were married, but then he turned cold towards everyone. To be clear, he was an asshole and I was the only one who could stand him, even though it was just a bit, but enough is enough I couldn't be with him any longer. No one ever listened to me except Namor, he knew what my husband did to me, he knew of his physical abuse to me and of his manipulative behavior, we still hadn't an heir which made the situation not the slightest bit better. Namor knew too that I didn't want a child from Aenar"
Thranduil's head snapped to her. That was the first time she said her ex-husband's name.
She continued speaking and he listened carefully.
"He was cruel and had always been aggressive, and in that timeframe I loved both, Aenar and Namor and he loved me too, so we did what was necessary, we were lucky that Naerys' hair was white like mine and not pitch black like his. Two hundred years after Naerys was born my love for Namor turned into friendship again but we also knew how to end Aenar's behavior. So he flew with Namor over the white beasts home and fought with him until Morpheus had enough and opened his jaws, there was no chance that he or his dragon could survive this. Namor told me what happened and even though Aenar was cruel I cried because of his death he still was the man I loved. I actually was free to marry but I couldn't trust anyone except myself after my ex-husband. So I stayed a widow for three thousand years, had a fight with Namor, left the Lightless Lands without any protection and met you three thousand and five hundred years after it." The Queen looked in her husband's eyes at the last what she said and realized that she started crying while she told Thranduil her story.

"My sweet wife" he stood up and pulled her in a loving hug "I am so sorry for what he did to you"
"You don't have to be, it was his fault not yours" she said and buried her face in his chest.
"I won't anyone ever let you hurt like this again or in any other way" he promised and kissed his wife's head.
"I love you, always and forever" his Queen said.
They went inside and got themselves ready to start their day.

Because the Queen's hands are shaking too much the King braids her hair.
He took three strands from each side of her head and braided them back and left two loose strands in her face.
"You're so gentle with me, no matter what" Maesera said and laid her hand on his.
"Always and forever, my love" he took her small hand gently in his much larger hand and kissed the back of her hand.

Maesera suddenly pulled her hand back and hissed in pain  "the babe-"
The King reacted fast and lead her to bed and called for the midwives, while he held his wife's hand and stroke her hair back.

The midwives arrived quickly at the royal chambers and one of them said "Very good my Queen, push"
"What in all seven hells d'you think I'm doing?!" The Queen spoke with gritted teeth.
"I already see the head, just a bit more my Queen" the younger one said.
The Queen pushed and pushed, the King didn't said much but calmed his wife with just his presence and the strokes over her hand and shoulder. 

After long and painful hours the Queen and the King are blessed with another daughter.
Maesera held her babe in her arms and smiled happily "is she healthy?"
"Healthy and strong like her parents, my Queen" the midwife said and asked "do you have a name yet?"
"I thought about Saera" Thranduil said and stroke over the little head from his daughter.
"A wonderful choice my love" Maesera smiled at him and handed over the new born Princess.
Then the afterbirth came and everything went well, the birth, the afterbirth and choosing a name.

"Please clean everything up and call the rest of our family members" Thranduil ordered and handed his wife a glass of water.
"As you wish my King" the serving-girl on the end of the room said and let in the others and she herself went looking for the children.

After everything was cleaned up the children came in.
"How are you mother?" Lily asked.
"Do we have another brother?" Aerys asked exited and jumped up and down in happiness.
"No another sister my sweet boy" his father said and Aera's face lit up in joy "Is she healthy?" She asked.
"Yes everything is good" he answered and everyone got's introduced to the newborn princess.


Well I can be nice too 😂
I hope you liked it and continue reading

Greetings Elaenyra 💚

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