2 The summer event

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"Your grace, you have to wake up" the sweet voice of Maesera's maiden said while she was knocking on the queens door.
"I am awake Lily" the Queen said letting her maiden in "will you help me get ready?" She asked.
"Of course my queen" Lily said bowing to her queen.
"Oh Lily stop it. I told you that you do not have to do that." The Queen said
"Sorry your gr-"
"Maesera" the dragon Queen corrected Lily.
"Sorry Maesera, it is not that what I am used to" Lily apologized
"That's why I reminded you" Maesera said smiling "Today is the summer event the King invited us to"
"You think all over him do you?" Lily asked smiling
"Yes I do Lily, he has something magnificent in his eyes" the Queen said brushing her hair.
"So you will wear this wonderful red dress?" Lily spoke again.
"Yes and I will get there with Drohaeleys, Synnax and Daera" knowing that Synnax will scare them all, she was silver-grey and had one eye the scars still to be seen and three big scars on her thorax from a fight.
Synnax was about 148 years old and was not the oldest dragon from Maesera.
"They already know who you are, you do not have to show them Maesera" said thinking of the scaring appearing from Synnax.
"I could take Trantor too" the Queen said laughing.

The two were talking and laughing much while getting the dragon Queen ready, her golden crown with three dragons in it looked amazing on her as the whole outfit does.

After that she went to her daughters chambers.
"Mother what are you doing here?" Naerys asked.
"Am I not allowed to see my daughter?" The Queen asked back.
"I heard you want to take Synnax with us. But why? They know who we are and we know who they are" Naerys said.
"It is not for them, I honestly do not have a good feeling by flying without her" Maesera explained.

Mother and daughter shared a lot of thoughts with each other and then they went to the dragons.

"Rybās Synnax, māzīs" the Queen said to the dragon and it looked surely very funny that the dragon who was as big as three elephants following her like a dog.
She got her dragon Drohaeleys and Daera for Naerys too.
Truly it looked majestic and powerful how the three dragons came after her out of the dragon pit.
Synnax as biggest of them right behind the queen, Drohaeleys on their left side and Daera as smallest on their right side.
It was a funny combination of the colors, Drohaeleys in black with poison green eyes, light blue fire and in her wings dark blue with lighter patterns wich looked like burning flames.
Synnax has silver-grey scales, red scares and blue eyes, she honestly looked the most terrifying.
Daera looked the sweetest she was golden and looked friendly she had green eyes too and golden scales and wings.

Thranduil was getting ready himself, he wore a silver robe with slight but bold orange patterns on it and his crown fits perfectly to it.
He went out of his chambers and headed to his sons chambers.
He was probably the same age as Naerys in human years about 17 or 18.
Thranduil knocked.
No response.
"Legolas?" He knocked again and opened the door.
"Oh hello father, sorry I was reading." His son apologized.
"Are you ready for the event?" Thranduil asked with a strong voice.
"Yes I am, when are the first guests here?" Legolas asked
"When the sun is the highest, and behave good this evening, important people are coming" Thranduil said with an icy voice.
"I assure you everything will be good father" Legolas said knowing who his father was referring to.
"Until later son, you find me in the throne room if you look for me" the King said and left his son.

It was a chill and quiet flight for the Queen and the Princess on their dragons.
You could see that the Princess wasn't doing fine in the moment and her dragon noticed taking her a wave higher and back down to her mother.
"Lykirī Daera, syrī glaesan." The Princess said to her dragon calming her that she's alright.
Daera just whistled in a growl and flew a bit into Drohaeleys.
She growled and glared at her as warning, her rider wasn't fine too.
But why?
A scream got everyone's attention.
"Rytessē Synnax se Drohaeleys" the Queen commanded the dragons to focus.
"Mom what was that?" Naerys was scared.
"Not what. Who." The Queen looked in every possible direction to see something.
"Let us fly faster. I think I know who that was and I do not want to meet him" the Queen said worried about her daughter.

They flew faster and came to the Greenwood palace.
The dragons landed in the courtyard of the castle.
Mother and daughter praised their dragons and got down.
Everyone who was already there looked at them with fear and respect.

"Welcome back Queen Maesera" a deep male voice echoed.
"Hello again King Thranduil"
Both looked at each other and turned their heads down a bit to show each other respect.
"Hello Princess Naerys"
"Your Grace" The Princess greeted and turned her head down too.
"They are truly giant" the King said and took a step more to the Queen.
Synnaxes head snapped to him and growled showing his teeth.
"Daor Synnax!" the Queen calmed her dragon and told her that the King doesn't want to harm her.
Thranduil was frozen in that moment, and everyone in the courtyard held his breath.
The only one who was speaking with a strong voice was Maesera, even Naerys was scared of that what could happen.
The Queen ordered the dragons to fly over the palace and watch over the heaven.
"I am terribly sorry, she is very protective" the Queen apologized.
"I understand, in the end nothing happened" Thranduil said offering the Queen a hand. "Come we should go inside"

So they went inside the Princess was still not doing fine but that changed when she saw a young man with long white hair and a few braids in it walking to them.
"May I introduce my son Legolas Prince of Greenwood" the King said with a cold but friendly voice.
"Nice to meet you Prince Legolas" the Queen said and smiled politely. "I am Queen Maesera and this is my daughter"
"Hello I am Princess Naerys" she introduced herself.
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you" Legolas said smiling to the Queen and Princess.

They talked about this and that and got to know each other, they talked about duties and their children.
Naerys and Legolas left the conversation because he wanted to show her the palace and she told him a lot about dragons.

"And how many dragons do you actually have now?" The King asked.
"We have six dragons on Dragonstone and ten eggs two hatched yesterday" the queen told him.
"That is a lot, I am impressed" Thranduil said "and my thanks to you that you came and that you put Synnax in her place"
"Do not thank me for that, and I thank you for the invitation" she said.
He noticed my dragons name. Maesera was flattered.


That was the second part I hope you liked it leave a vote if you want and we'll see what's happening in the next part

Greetings Elaenyra 💚

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