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I knew all about a good struggle. One that was necessary to feel -- the pain was understood and seen as a stepping stone. When you desired something that just wasn't happening the way you planned. Or as quickly. The anticipation because deep down you knew you wanted it. Patience came with struggle and the true struggle was practicing patience.

But, sometimes the struggle is funny.

Like right now, as I witness Sehven attempt to do Bulgarian squats with ten-pound dumbbells in each of her hands.

"You punkin' out on me, Babygirl."

"Migi...I'm sick and my ankle hurts." Po' baby.

Sighing heavily, I bent down to take the dumb balls from her and Sehven went to the ground. Her arms draped over her face and I couldn't help but laugh at her dramatics.

"You got a whole thirty minutes left. Come on and do these next sets of pull-downs."

An annoyed expression met me as Sehven sat up on her elbows. That annoyance turned into a straight attitude and unapologetic fit. I could see so much of Zuri in her now.

"You're a horrible trainer. I'm telling you that I'm in pain and you're ignoring me."

She held out her hand, silently asking for help to stand. Proudly, I assisted her. Making sure to pull her close once we were standing. "Ion know why you doing all this anyway. You know I'm ready to put another one in you. We just wasting time, mama."

I rubbed a hand down her back, cuffing her ass before she could push me away. Giving me her back to watch as she made her way to the bench once again.

Currently, we were inside the home gym built right off the side of the outdoor basketball court. It had been Sehven's idea to get equipment for the space since we were having a hard time figuring out what to do with it. She made sure to have the proper items included and set up a schedule for two hours a day, three days a week. At first, she was doing it alone. Shortly after, I was pressured into continuing the trend with her.

Personally, I think Sehven looks amazing. She hasn't missed a beat in my mind. Her getting thicker would never be a turn off in my opinion. And as she squatted down in front of me, I wondered again if three kids might be our new minimum.

"Every squat is a week of no ass. So how many you want, Boss? I'm already at four." I walked closer and she shook her head, turning to face me with a smirk. "Nah...you want me to do my next set right?"

"Stop playin' wimme, for real."

"I'm just doing my sets. So, 30, right?" And she did another one, but before she could make it to six, I grabbed the waistband of her workout pants. Forcing her frame to mine. "Five weeks, no touchin'. Better pull them videos back up, boo."

"You so funny, mama. I'll pull them damn clothes off ya' ass. Don't play, girl."

- - - -

Zuri sat next to me, her bottle cradled between both of her hands. Her head was against my arm as she watched the television and drank the rest of her Apple Juice connotation that Sehven made up. She didn't put the sippy cup down until she had her fill and immediately her little hand waved it over for me to take.

"Here, Dada."

"Imma maid now?" Zy turned to face me when I spoke, a smile glowing on her face before she twisted her chubby self to sit on my lap.

According to our last doctor's appointment, Zuri Chanai was weighing in at almost thirty pounds. Her intake of breast milk is the main factor. But also when her mother's cooking. In actuality, both me and Zy were the victims of Sehven's home cooking. Just this afternoon she made the three of us the Tik-Tok sensation: "grinder sub". One of the best deli sandwiches I ever tasted.

"Ma Ma." Zy sat up, her eyes scanning the room for Sehven. I felt it — her footsteps approaching the den where we were.

"What y'all watching?" Came from Sehven. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of all of our kids inheriting my abilities. Which would leave her out of the loop. She'll always be protected though.

"Gracie's Corner, at first. We finna watch this docuseries 'bout the dark web in a few minutes though. I'm tired of this bootleg rap music," Gracie's Corner came because Zy followed me around the house after Sehven went upstairs. I grabbed her sippy cup from the fridge, already fixed with the juice. Her big brown eyes followed my movements as she talked to me. Never once getting too far behind before she got the bright idea to grab ahold of my sweats to keep up with my longer limbs.

Zy maneuvered to her mother's lap, as Sehven took her seat. The action left me in shock for a few moments. Then she patted Sehven's breast with a big grin.

Zuri was the epitome of a Daddy's Girl. The only thing Sehven was good for at times was food or milk. Rather that was from her body or out of the kitchen.

"No, no, no, no...no ma'am. You're fourteen months now. Mommy needs a drink now, boop. You're off the titty." Sehven softly picked up Zy's hand from her breast. Kissing the palm. That simple act caused her to melt in her mother's arms. 

"Man, pull them titties out." I tugged on her shirt and Zy bounced excitedly at the sudden movements happening.

"She just had dinner, ain't no way she is hungry," Sehven reached over to clip the pacifier chain to Zy's shirt and immediately she picked it up to put into her mouth. 

"Here you go," Sehven said, handing over the iPhone she went to retrieve. I had forgotten about it, honestly.

Once I had it unlocked, she laid down with Zy on her chest. Sure enough, as Sehven started to rub her back — she began to relax. "You going to Dallas tomorrow, right?" I eyed her from the corner of my eye. Seeing the smirk growing on her face. "I'm just asking, Migi."

"Yeah, I was planning to hit the road like five. But I'll only be gone for a few hours."

"I have a doctor's appointment and wanted to know where you'll be. That's all."

"Mm...I bet." I said, noticing that Calvin had called twice. My thoughts ran wild for a few seconds as I tried to figure out what could be his reasoning. But I didn't dwell on it.

My legal troubles weren't as frequent, however, I still spoke with Calvin. He was not only my criminal defense, but also my business lawyer. Aiding me in the times I spoke with Misha Turner regarding any business deals as my real estate lawyer. Any issues regarding From the Sole — he was the first person I called.

"Zy gotta appointment too?" I asked, looking over at Sehven. By now her attention was on the television and she simply shook her head no. "So what your appointment for?"

"Just a check-up."

She was lying...and I could tell. But to pressure her into telling me the whole story? Not tonight.

"You want me to come?"

"No...well, I mean, you don't have to," Turning my head, I frowned at her, holding that gaze. Wondering what she had up her sleeve. "I mean, like, you don't have to. I can handle it, but if you want to, sure."

"Nah, if you can handle it and Zuri, I'll go to Dallas. It's for a leadership meeting and I need to pull a few people in for some contracts. If I get it done now, I won't have to worry about it later. Besides, I wanted to be home by the time for dinner anyways."

"Okay...I can handle it," Sehven at up, wrapping her arm around a sleepy Zy who peaked at me with a smile. I don't know many times the little one is unhappy. It's almost like a myth. "Imma give Zy her bath." Sehven kissed my cheek before standing up.

"Night night, Chunky Butt."

"Nite, Dada." Zuri wasn't leaving my eyesight before reaching out for me. Pulling her in, I decided to follow with them, so I could get her some clothes and a new diaper.

"Go ahead, so I can put ya' ass to sleep too." I told Sehven, smacking her on the butt while she let the way.

"You got five weeks, boop. Don't play."

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