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Migi walked into my closet. Smoke oozing through his nostrils as he came near the island. Leaning against the granite top as his eyes ran over my being. Before he said anything, Migi took another long pull, exhaling.

"I was looking for you." He said quietly.

"Oh, I was putting clothes together for next week." It was probably a waste of time, but it was the thought that counted. My tendencies to change outfits were highly likely between now and then.

"We going somewhere?"

"I'm going back to work in the office." I said confidently, making sure to hold his eye contact so he knew I was serious.

Migi wasn't enthusiastic to hear my plans concerning work. He was even more upset when I suggested daycare options for Zuri.

Oh, well.

I wasn't about to sit around and play housewife on his dime. My position allowed me to work from home most days, thankfully. But it was time to go back into the office. For at least three days out of the week. He would have to, come to terms with that.

And more importantly, Zuri was going to daycare.

She needed that time around other children. For developmental reasons and socialization. Keeping her coop up in this house may seem like the safest thing. Especially with how crazy people are in today's society. I understood wanting to protect her with everything in my being.

However, I also had to learn that the best thing I could do as a parent was allow myself to let go.

That was more of the therapist in me talking than the mother. But I was right.

"Oh." He nodded, looking at the arrangement of clothes in front of us. From dresses to pantsuits, button-down shirts, skirts, and even some work appropriate jeans. I was pulling together every outfit in my head, in real life time.

"Oh...?" I asked, stepping directly in front of him.

"Oh," He repeated and my hands rubbed up his bare chest. "When we agreed to you going back into the office?"

"Migi, I can't work downstairs forever. I have to go in and actually work with the team of people that are assigned to me. We talked about this when my remote position started." I tried to keep my tone neutral, not wanting to push any of his buttons. At the end of the day — I wasn't quitting my job. Allowing my license to collect dirt for what?

"Ain't no way you working for the money at this point." He said, giving in to my touch. His hands rubbed down my back as he sat down the blunt.

"I'm not living off you and we talked about that too."

"Alright, Sehven." He kissed my forehead, before pushing himself from the island counter, to walk away.

Rolling my eyes, I knew Migi was annoyed. Even if he wasn't fully upset at me. Which sucks because it was Friday night and we only had the whole weekend left.

Taking an empty hanger, I finished the task before picking up my phone. It was after midnight and Zy had long been in bed. Leaving the two of us to tackle any necessary cleaning and then having our own showers.

After mine, I came to camp out in the closet for thirty minutes. Finishing the chore just as Migi was walking inside. He had gone to roll up and smoke a fresh blunt following his shower time.

"Are you mad?" Migi shook his head at my question. Instead of dropping the situation — I took my place on his lap. Watching as he held the blunt up in the air to put fire to it.

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