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Intuition is a terrible thing to ignore. And as footsteps neared me, that feeling spiked.

"You're a hard man to get in touch with nowadays, huh?"

Calvin St. Lucas was standing in the doorway of From the Sole's stock room. I had been here most of the day due to an unscheduled shipment. It didn't take ninety minutes for the team and I to finish the task. Lucas was walking in as I was completing a mental checklist of my requirements.

"What's going on, Calvin?"

"Think we can step inside your office? Get a lil' privacy." He asked and my eyes wandered to the manila folder in his hand.

"Privacy? Something goin' on that important?" Calvin had called a few times, but we were playing phone tag thus far. Between two full time businesses and a family, Lucas was the last thing on my mind, most of the time. Which was unfortunate because he was the missing puzzle to staying free. Even though, I've stepped away from my old lifestyle — doesn't mean it'll disappear. Usually, now is the time when it comes to hunt me down. Which is what's happening now according to his demeanor.

"You know I wouldn't hunt you down if it wasn't."  There's that word again.

Intuition was tricky. I could feel something was about to hit the fan. Everything was leaning toward it, but I wasn't able to piece it together. That was the part throwing a loop at me.

Nodding my head, I led the way from the inventory room to the mangers block of the sneaker shop. James Wilson had his office and then directly across the hall was mine. Hardly ever used, but fully equipped. A desk for myself, some chairs for a few guests. Small lounge area with a television mounted in front. It wasn't much. Yet, it was more than enough. When I'm here — I'm working. The environment is different from the complex building. I'm not as office bond here as I am at DFW 469. Not conducting meetings here as I do there. Mr. James and I work together with particular issues, but his team is his. I only came to help because I know the staffing isn't as in depth as one could be. Once I've hired more and expanded, they won't see their owner in person as much. That's the goal. But until then, I'm up on my feet here. From walking, stocking, display designs, and in the atmosphere with the crew.

"I know you won't. So, what's that, Calvin?"

"It's good and bad news," He said honestly, sitting down the file. Briefly written with no further explanation. Vargas vs State of Texas.


"Alright, look. It's not a criminal offense, just civil. But it can develop into one if you don't take this shit serious, Vargas. At this step, it's easy. I can solve this with one question honestly."

"Well, what's up?" I asked for the third time.

"How familiar are you with a Long," At first I missed his question. Thinking there was more to it. A long? "Ms. Salice Long."

Something clicked inside of me then.

"I let you live, I got the pill for you, and I fed you. Salice, I gave you a second chance at life because we both know after the shit you pulled, you should be floating in a fucking river. So imma tell you this one time and one time only...you come in between what I got going on with my baby, and imma kill you. And then I'mma turn myself in and happily request the electric chair so I can kill you again in the afterlife. You got off, don't temp me. Do I make myself clear?"

I guess I hadn't.

The bitch played with me.

"I knew of her. Why?"

"Ms. Long has served you via Office of Attorney General. And I received this about two weeks ago. After verifying it through their division, it was approved," He waved the folder to me, and silently I took it. My eyes burned holes through his. "Read over it, Vargas."

"What is it?" I wasn't reading over shit.

"Court ordered paternity test," Oh, she's good and dead. "Long believes you fathered her son, who is two years old now. Stated you two used to date-"

A deep annoyed sound left me — something like an extended groan of pain. My eyes closed deeply as I rubbed my eyes constantly. I couldn't describe the emotion I was feeling. Angry was on the list, but what was it extended to? I didn't know. I had this shit under control. I know I did.

I left her with a full belly and a pill, what the hell went wrong from there?!

You ain't that damn stupid.

"She took a pill. I was sitting there with her when she did the shit. A fucking six hundred dollar pill. I brought it, I went to her house. She ate and swallowed the fucking shit. That was the end of it. What the fuck is this?" Mindlessly, I tossed the packet to the desk — pissed off.

"Undoubtedly, she either didn't swallow it or she was too far along to just take a pill. After so many months, the mother has to get a procedure done. Do you remember where or how she got the pill? What kinda pill?"

"I don't remember that shit, Calvin. She swallowed and I bounced. She did the shit online because of Texas's laws....Calvin, I can't afford this shit, man."

"Your best bet is to take the test. Especially if you can't give me a defiant answer that this isn't your son," He waited, pausing a second. It was for me to give him an answer.

I haven't seen Salice in over a year for sure. Haven't even spoken to her either. She follows the accounts for both the sneaker shop and DFW 469, she's always followed my personal account on Instagram. But I'll be a fool to interact with the girl. She'll waste no time being petty. 

"The court order is letting you know it's required that you take the test. It's letting you know that this isn't personal between the two of you. She's looking for something in return, and if you refuse, there will be consequences. Crown hasn't been on your trail for almost two years. Vargas, don't give her a reason to start back," As much as I hated to admit it. Lucas was right. "I'll let Judge Newsome know you'll be complying and taking the test within seventy-two business hours. This will give you until Monday at five o'clock,"

At this point, I don't think my brain could gather up a response. What was I supposed to say? Okay? I was simply here. Listening, but stuck. "I'll book the appointment for you. Especially since Salice Long filed through the OAG, I wanna remind you how serious she made this. If there's anything that she knows, that she can use against you — let me know. Before the results hit. OAG is knocking at Crown's door. It's that close, Vargas. Which also means, you have to go downtown to complete the swab. Most likely with LapCorp. The longest part is waiting on the results which can take up to six weeks. At a minimum of four."

"Four to six weeks? Calvin, I don't got four to six weeks to play 'round with this shit. It ain't no quicker way?"

"If you two had done it privately, maybe. Texas courts are different. Again, Long went through the OAG. Imma drill that through your thick ass skull. The process will naturally take longer because it's the court system. Not to mention why she filed in the first place. If it's for child support or custody issues, that's another loop."

Child support? That made sense. She wanted some money again.

It's been less than two years since I got my hands dirty. But Salice was about to change that.

"I'm not that child's father. But imma take the stupid ass test to get it over with. After that though, I want a restraining order against her."

"And I'll do that for you. Let's handle this first."

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