𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝

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Zuri's eyes grew big as her excitement spilled. Even while facing away from the television, she caught the signal from The Cheetah Girls 2 movie. The two dolls in one hand and her sippy cup hanging on by a finger. Reaching out to help, I grinned at her already pumping herself up for the song about to start.

"Ma Ma!" Without a second thought, she gave me her belongings and turned in time to watch them perform Strut.

Before The Cheetah Girls stood from the table, Zy was already dancing. This same movie plays at least twice a week and each time it's the same animation for this one and Amigas Cheetahs.

Of course, Little Miss Vargas earned herself a paparazzi moment.

"Uh-oh," Zuri picked up her sippy cup while coming with her arms held high. "Up, mommy?"

"You having a dance break, boop?" She smiled at me before leaning back and taking a big gulp of her juice and water concoction. Zy laid her head against my chest while crossing her feet — in complete bliss as the movie continued and I worked on boutique orders. The sight was hilarious itself, but once she heard Migi tipping into the room, it only elevated.

The most shocking expression rested on her face causing Zy to even pull her cup away.

"Da Da?"

"Yes, baby?" He answered, coming around to the sectional couch. I noted for a man who was out most of the early morning and up after two o'clock — Migi seemed very refreshed.

Zuri looked at me and I smirked at her confusing mug — she mimics him so well.

"You up now?"

"Yes, I'm up. C'mere," Happily, she dismissed us for her father's affection. While Migi flopped down next to me, allowing a front-row seat to her giggling show. "I missed you while I was sleeping."

"Well...you sheep tew long." Zuri told him, shrugging her shoulders with her hands up.

"I'm sorry," Migi kissed her forehead and she silently accepted his apology while lying on his chest. He nudged me then, a playful grin on his lips. "Good morning."

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty."

"You mad at me?"

"For what, Migi?"

"Anything." His answer made me wonder what he could've meant, but my overthinking capabilities ensured me with a number of answers. None of which I was interested in discussing.

"No, I'm not mad. You just making it home is my biggest concern sometimes."

Migi traced my bottom lip with his thumb before nodding. "We got plans 'round 5:30...ish, so I hope you free."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nah, you never do, baby. But I like your hair like this."

_ _ _ _

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A thirty-five-minute ride from Lake Houston which included a stop at Chic-Fil-A for Sehven's cookie and cream milkshake —and finally, we arrived at The Escape Rooms. With ten minutes to spare before our 5:40 start time.

"You brought me to the escape rooms? For real, Migi?" She laughed to herself, before looking over. That surprised expression turned into her blushing. I knew she'd like it.

"I told you Imma mind reader, mama,"

Reaching into the backseat, I retrieved the two dozen long stem Sunflowers. Part of me wanted to give them to her the second we got in the truck, but conversations began and it honestly slipped my mind until we were pulling out of the Chic-Fil-A drive-thru.

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