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The second bedroom's door to the resort was left cracked open. The lap inside gleamed, making the perfect night light for Zy.

Sehven had the door closed while rocking our daughter to sleep for the night. Their twenty-five-minute after-shower routine hadn't changed just because we were out of our home. It was then — that I got the chance to activate my plan.

While she tended to Zy, I took my shower before dressing and grabbing the untouched Goyard Croisiere Duffle Bag from our room. Inside were several items. A bouquet of roses, a box of rose petals, and a gift that I knew Sehven would love. It wasn't for any special occasion. Just an easy way of saying I love her.

By the time that door eased open, a trail of custom blue rose petals aligned the floor of our resort. The layout curved to the living room where the bouquet of matching long-stem roses and sunflowers lay with the white and lime green Van Cleef & Arpels designed jewelry box. Inside were two new five-flower Frivole bracelets in 18K yellow gold and diamond design.

I was standing in the kitchen, breaking down some sour diesel on the counter when she came out. In front of me was a pack of Russian Cream Camo leaves and a piece of Bob Marley paper.

Lowly playing in the background was Anthony Hamilton's The Point of It All. It hadn't been planned at all, truthfully. My iTunes was on shuffle play and it came with the vibes. So far it hadn't disappointed and we were on track number three.

"Aww....Migi, this is so perfect," That soft tone made me smile. My tongue darted out to lick across my bottom lip. Slowly Sehven walked the path to her gifts. At first, her attention went to the roses, while I struggled to keep focus on the plan at hand. "You're so sweet,"

You is too, mama.

"You didn't have to do this, but I thank you and I love you for it, Baby Father."

With the roses in hand, she gave them a quick sniff. I dug into the pocket of my sweats to retrieve the BIC lighter. Sparking up as she smiled. "Open the otha' gift."

The walk from the resort's kitchen to the living room was quicker than the blink of an eye. Sehven gazed up at me before setting the bouquet down in its original spot.

"Van Cleef..Migi, why?"

"I gotta have a reason?"

She ignored my question and I took another pull watching as she unwrapped the green bow on the box. The full lime green box came into view. She knew what was inside from the length. "Oh, you must really want some coochie tonight?" Sehven asked playfully, lifting the top to find one of the two five-flower brackets. "Awww. This is so freaking cute, Migi!"

"It's another one in that second box, mama." I informed her with a nod to the second box lying on the chair.

"Mm-hm...I might be able to spare a lil' piece for you...these are really beautiful though, for real. Thank you, baby."

"Just a lil' piece?" I pulled her away from the gifts, licking my bottom lip.

"Yeah," Sehven smirked before tugging at the waistband of my sweatpants. "You always wanna touch on me. And the fact that you hard already is sick."

"I got hard when you walked out. I already know ain't no kinda clothes on under here." My hand went to the knot in front of her rob. A soft yank and the silk material fell open. Confirming my theory on her shorter-style robes. Ain't nothing ever worn underneath them.  

"I got on panties," Sehven wrapped a hand around the head of my shaft, gripping it gently while her thumb traced the pre-cum spilling.

"You wanna help me take 'em off?" She whispered, biting her bottom lip. Just watching through hazy eyes, I groaned.

"Fuckkk, why you did that?"

"Imma take that as a yes," Sehven ran her fingers through my beard with her free hand, pulling my face to hers. Next was her tongue swaying across my lips, an unintentional moan leaving me. "I gotcha, baby."

- - - -

TG: Hit my line when you free.

Looking up from my second phone to the Tangled Restrooms at Disney World, I figured the two of them would need some time. Zuri had made a small mess while eating a scoop of birthday cake ice cream and Sehven didn't want it to dry sticky on her hands from the sugar.

So, while she cleaned up our daughter — I decided to hit Qu'Taz's line for a possible update.

"Wassup?" I answered, hoping that the quick pace in my tone acknowledged that he didn't have long. Taz is obviously the friend to prolong the moment, with too many riddles and games. He's been that way since we were teenagers, the old granddaddy soul in him was the reason.

"I got that check figured out. When you coming back?"


"Hit my line once you're free and I'll meet you at the spot."

We hadn't even spoken about any codes. The topic never crossed my mind, but I knew what he meant during the duration of our call with the encoded speech. Yesterday was the first time I called his line from the Android in years and Taz picked up on the second ring.

It took one full day and he had gotten what I needed. Undoubtedly, he did as he said by speaking with some of his street spillers to find the link between Salice and whoever completed her documents. Fake birth certificates, social security cards, and even IDs weren't hard to come by. However, those that are legit enough to pull this kind of stunt? Took years of work from the perpetrators.

"I'll hit you once I'm back."

"Before you go...any luck?" Taz inquired, stopping me from tapping the end button.

My trip to Orlando was random, but that was only from the outside looking in. I knew there was more to the story with Salice, regardless of what she may try to convey. So I decided to move out of the city for my investigation. It's been a long time since I hacked out a cellular tower and needed the chance to do so untouched — just in case I needed to do so quickly in the near future. The last time was the days leading up to Sanchez's death and two days after.

"Yeah...I got my hands on some shit,"

Sehven was coming around the corner, in her hands was a paper towel, and behind her was Zuri. The little one mimicked her mother's actions as she wiped the water from her small fingers.

"I'll call you." I said instead of going into details during the phone call. We didn't need to discuss that right now. I already knew whatever mess Salice had put herself in — she was knee-deep.

Instead, a smile grew on my face as Zuri jumped excitedly at the sight of the amusement park. Her arms were in the air for Sehven to scoop her up and of course, Zy found herself parked on the hips of her mother.

"See, Dada!"

"I see you, princess."

"We're starting potty training when we get home too. For real this time, Migi."

"Oh, for real this time? So what was last time?" I dropped the phone into my pocket slyly while grabbing Zuri who was already reaching out for the unspoken exchange. "I told you what happened when I tried to teach her. She stood there like she was a nigga or some."

"That's cause you need to sit on the seat like a lady, Migi. Duh."

"The best I can do is kneel when I'm pissing. And I ain't did that shit since I got out." Sehven laughed before nudging my shoulder. Zuri's eyes bounced around the park. Ready to take on the adventures in Magic Kingdom.

"Where we heading to, Chunky Butt?"

"Buzz!" Zuri pointed to the entrance of Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin and Sehven stepped in front of us, ready to lead the way as our personal line leader.

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