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"I know you wanna do it, Baby Cakes. But this is dangerous," Sighing heavily, I watched as tears welled up in the corners of Zuri's eyes. Her strong grip tightened as she held onto the iPhone charger.

"Zy, you can not play with this. Now give it here," She huffed at me as I forced her to release the cord. The dramatic sound caught me off guard. "Excuse me?"

The attitude didn't last long before she started bawling in front of me. Her burst of emotion made my own eyes water. I hated to see her cry.  Tossing the charger onto the counter, I scooped her up, swaying her from side to side. Why is it so hard to be firm?  All I was trying to do was stop her from electrocuting herself. Is that so hard to ask for?

Zuri's cries died down within a few moments. The tears turning into a slight hiccup as she sniffled. The two fourteen-karat gold Chanel bangles jiggled as she wiped her eyes with a sigh. Then she was looking at me with her bottom lip poked out. I was officially wrapped around her finger. "I promise I'm sorry, boop. But you can't play with that stuff, so I gotta take it."

"You ta-ta, Ma Ma." Oh, wait.


"Ta-ta." And her bangle covered arm waved in between the two of us.

"I don't ta-ta, you ta-ya."

"No, Mommy," She said with a shake of her head. 

Easing Zy down to the floor, I gave my best and most polite smile. The attitude was back after she noticed her tears wouldn't fix it. It was not the first time the fourteen-month-old has thrown a fit for not having her way. They are simply becoming more common now. Which is unfortunate when I'm alone. "I get dolls?"

In December she turned one, and now it's February with an attitude of a teenager. Her vocabulary has improved over time. Her words were more intelligible. Zy was also picking up on expressions, mannerisms, plus using body language to express herself fully. Like now, when she points at the stairs for her L.OL. Surprise dolls. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to let Royal Bee and Tween-Gracie tag along on this ride.

"I got something in my purse, okay?" Holding out my hand, I waited for her to wrap her fingers around mine. Thankful I had been a step ahead this morning. Already packing the Telsa with one of my large Coach totes. Inside was a fresh bottle, pampers, wipes, her extra binky, and a change of clothes if needed.

Locking up the house, I made sure to set the alarm while Zuri sang Gracie Corner aloud. Her humming and random pitches kept me entertained as we headed to the car.

Already in the backseat were three of her bears and mentally I cheered. Two Care Bears and one Squishmallows from Claire's. Buckling her up, Zy pointed to them and I gladly reached over to retrieve the three peace-makers. Making a mental note to remember them when we got back home today. Before closing her in the backseat, I pulled a juice bottle from my bag — holding it out for her to decide upon. She shook her head at me, before going back to singing for the bears this time. So, I sat the Good2grow Fruit Punch bottle in the cup holder of her car seat.

Rounding the car, I hit the garage door opener before starting the Model S. It was only a little after twelve, but it seemed like I'd been up for much longer. We started with just the two of us this morning. Her baby monitor alerted me when she started to wiggle around in the bed. The slightest noise making the device light up and the soft music mute itself.

It was around 9:30 when Zy finally sat up, her bright eyes shining when she noticed me waiting. I could tell from the way her arms were stretched out, she was trying to find me in the bed. Coming up empty-handed when nothing but plush pillows covered the sides of her being.

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