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Closing remarks followed the announcement of each
graduate from the Second Chance, One Heart program. Certificates and speeches were given regarding how proud the administrative staff was of their participants. I never asked Monica how she stumbled across the program. This new leaf had been completely on her own — an idea of a new commitment, she said once before.

It wasn't until the founder, Mrs. Melinda Bush addressed Monica as a childhood friend that everything made complete sense.

Just the idea of proving to someone — she could do it.

I was hopeful that this valuable element could be the means of why her treatment works more effectively.

"Congratulations, Mo."

My mother approached us the very second Mrs. Bush ended her remarks, bringing the event to its conclusion.

Monica looked beautiful honestly and the bright smile on her face was unmistakable. For the event, Mo took the time with a new style — even calling last night for some pointers. I recall the words 'I just want to look nice' being repetitive. Her brown skin was visibly healthier in the past year with a natural glow. But today? A full-face glam was required and at my expense, she was booked a morning appointment. Monica deserved it.

God, why am I about to finna cry?!

"Aw, Sehven...I'm so glad you came." With open arms, I received the tightest and most comforting hug I have gotten from her in a long time.

"Of course. I had to make it. You really did this." The two of us broke away and Monica's tears fell. Wiping away her emotion, she eyed me from head to toe. The sweetest smile on her face as she took in my appearance. Today's ensemble was very simple with a two-piece ribbed set. It was a chorcal gray and the best compliment was the tights' thick material.

"Hi, Vargas." Monica uttered after a few seconds, glancing over my shoulder at the six-foot-five bodyguard behind me.

"What's up?" Migi greeted, holding out his hand which held the banquet of flowers. Along with them was a gift bag.

Neither of the items was pricey — kinda. Inside the purple bag was a brand new box of VANILLA DIORAMA by Dior and two gift cards. The perfume had been a free travel size I was gifted after ordering my second bottle within six months.

And by girl math? I only spent money on the flowers and gift cards — making this gift extremely free because Migi paid for those items too.

"Aww, these smell so good! Thank you!"

"Migi picked them out." I informed her with a proud smile on my face.

If it was one thing that Migi knew, like the back of his hand, but on an innocent tip — flowers were it.

The bouquet of red roses and sunflowers would've never crossed my mind, but I left it to Migi at the last minute. And once we made it inside H.E.B., there were five minutes on the clock.

"I'll be right back." He whispered in my ear, walking away shortly after. There's a safe distance, but still enough space for him. If that makes sense.

Monica's eyes followed Migi's walk away before we met each other's eyes again. The rose eyebrow must have caught her off guard. Oh well. I couldn't say, I was too thrilled by her expression either.

"Migi picked them out?" She repeated. "That's sweet. But unfortunately, it's very surprising. It's too bad I'm not shocked that he showed up with you today."

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