0: Prologue

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That was my name. My name before 003. I struggle remembering it, but I do.

I don't remember much. Besides for the fact me and my siblings lived on a farm. I think.. 001 was Rainbow, me and her baked often.

002 was Gold. We played dress up, well, SHE played dress up, I was her model.

004 was Lunar, and we'd play these games where I was the knight, and she was the witch.

005 was Draco, he was my rival and competitor. We would game a ton.

What I would do to turn back time.

I remember one time we all tried baking a gummy pizza in our microwave and it exploded. Our parents were furious, but we laughed out butts off.

Nowadays I'm told that I'm a winner in these experiments.. I feel like a loser.

I remember when I felt like a winner. We all played with the GameCube and I remember hating feeling like a loser.

Now I've learned to accept it.


I sat by the river near our farm. It always calmed me down when I was mad.

This time I was mad because I let my emotions show. Normally that would be an okay thing, except for me. I wasn't normal.

I remember tears storming down my face, and kicking my feet aggressively into the ocean, as I sat on the edge of the shore.

"Whatcha crying for?" A red head boy appeared, talking to me.

"Hmph" I pouted. A stranger wanted to know why I was crying. He wouldn't understand.

"Stop being a baby." The boy rolled his eyes, and came over from the other side of the river. He sat next to me, "Just tell me."

I refused. Until, I completely broke down in tears, and my horns appeared.

The red haired boy looked horrified at first and even scooted away. But he finally said, "Are you a demon?"

I kept crying. Rainbow told me specifically not to let my horns or tail appear. "SO WHAT?" It definitely came out a lot more loud and aggressive.

I expected he scoot away but he actually got closer, "that's so cool!"

I looked up, still crying but a little less. "Huh?"

"My dad is a demon catcher!" He spoke.

At first that scared me, Rainbow told me that bad people like to catch demons or anything not human and turn them into experiments.

"Don't be scared! From what he told me, he finds demons and he cares for them! One day I'll get to work with him!" He told me, realizing the frightening look on my face.

Wow! That's so cool, "Really?"

The boy nodded his head, "I'm Alec by the way."

"Funneh " I wiped my tears, and said. Actually, I forgot why I was crying in the first place.

We talked for a bit, and then he told me he had to go. I waved, smiling.

My siblings and parents where worried about me, but I came up with an excuse: I fell asleep in the river and floated away to another country but found my way back.

I don't know why they didn't believe it tho..


The next morning I woke up in a hurry by my parents. I heard screaming and crying downstairs. So I hurried.

I arrived downstairs and saw half of my siblings crying, and the other half arguing with my dad.

"WE'RE NOT GOING!" Gold yelled. It was kind of frightening because I saw around 20 people in mask and long white coats walking in.

I didn't have time to react because before I knew it I was being taken into a van.

"W-what?" I finally said, "W-whats happening..?"

Rainbow sighed, pat my back and told me, "T-the bad people.. somehow.. found us." She looked like she wanted to cry.

I widened my eyes. And tears started forming.

We had finally arrived after a very long time and we had been in front of this laboratory looking place.

On the way in, they attached collars to us and bracelets on our wrist.

Draco kept crying and and Lunar looked angry. Eventually we arrived in a room that was very hard, and was made of metal.

We all sat down, as they told us our first experiment was going to happen tomorrow.

I lay on the ground, refusing comfort. I still hadn't completely processed what had just happened.

I perk up when I saw someone.

He had red hair. Red eyes. A hoodie. He noticed me, and waved excitedly.

I should've known. Seriously, a demon catcher?

Liar. LIAR!

Alec.. only one word popped in my mind.



It's been 8 years since I had been taken here. Now I'm 15.

I questioned if I'd ever leave this place.

I've come to the conclusion: no.






word count: 842

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