13: epilogue

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(Funneh POV)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
10 year time skip

You're probably here because you wanted to see how things turned out for us, huh?

Well to be honest.. we don't remember much about our past. The explosion was a blur, however there was one camera left and it was the camera that caught the whole fight.

According to the police, everyone inside the building had been injured a little bit. But no one was killed. Well.. except for Felicia and Brittney. But that's good, they where evil.

During police investigation, they found Felicia's journal.

It talked about how we had been the strongest experiments. She wanted our powers so she could combine it with her weak ones and then she could control the world.

Kinda stupid, if you ask me.

Anyways, bet you wanna know what's going on with our lives, yeah?

Well, first let's go from oldest to youngest!

Rainbow is just living her best life. She's opened a bakery, and called it: Fairy Tasty Bakery! (At first she said there was a pun in it, and I didn't believe her. Then she said the pun was that Fairy and very sound alike. Plus, she's a fairy.)

Gold started dating Kyran a year after the explosion. She also is now doing modeling, has her own fashion and nail art brand, and does makeup tutorials on her YouTube channel.

Me? I started dating Alec. I know, I know.. he betrayed me.. but he's hot! And has a great personality. I started a YouTube channel where me and my siblings do gaming videos. We now have 10.3 million subscribers!

Lunar opened a witchcraft shop. She sells her potions and teaches witchcraft classes as well. Also, Evan has a huge crush on Lunar. The worst part is Lunar doesn't even know it!

Draco has his own mukbang YouTube channel. He's always eating, so makes sense. Also, he has a crush on Aly, and Aly has a crush on him. However, they're too scared to tell each other.

So yeah! Interesting, right? We went from being tested as experiments, to being known as the Krew. We are really famous!

But what I sometimes think about is: what would've happened if we never fought Felicia and Brittney.

Maybe we'd be free still, or maybe we wouldn't.

"Funneh! Photoshoot time!" Gold yelled.

"Coming!" I called back.

Lunar looks at me, "About time you've gotten here!"

"Tell me about it." Draco mumbled.

I slapped him playfully, and Rainbow did it to me. "Get in places! The camera is counting down!"

3, 2, 1



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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*



it was a mess and hard to think of how to write this. But it's complete! My first complete book!

I have 3 unfinished books, and 18 drafts. I JUST HAD SO MANY IDEAS AT THE SAME TIME LOL 💀

Anyways!! I worked hard on this, no matter how sucky it is. It will always be bad, but I'm proud at the same time!

Anyways, for the last time in this book, I just wanna say, ily all sm! Thank you for reading my story because nlw it's almost at 300 reads!! I also got #1 on the Draconitedragon tag! Idk if I still have that title tho lol

-author Sydney<3

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