6: Did I win?

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(Funneh POV)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Okay so I'm so confused right now. So let me recap really quickly..

We just ran away from the guard on impulse (which was really dumb), we hid in a closet, Lunar comes in and we found out she was able to get her bracelet off, and now we are being surrounded by guards outside the closet we are ultimately trapped in.

"Open up!" One guard said, "You don't have long til a scientist gets here."

That's when Lunar shushed us, and handed us the invisibility potions she had been working on for the past 3 minutes, "Drink up, and unlock the door. This potion only last for 5 minutes so make this quick."

Me and Draco nodded, drank up and we saw our limbs disappearing, which nerved me at first but now it's so cool.

Draco unlocked the door (or I think? Maybe it was Lunar?). Then when the guards had let down their guard I ran. I hope the other two did as well, because I couldn't see them, but I was now running a random direction.

To be honest, no idea where I was going, I was too busy running and locking behind me, that I--


Oops.. I forgot that just because I'm invisible.. doesn't mean I can't feel people and they can't feel me.

"Ow.." I said whilst on the floor. I immediately held my breath realizing I had just run into.. a scientist.

"Who's there?!' the girl asked. She looked around cautiously, and then I made a realization.

"Celeste?" I bravely spoke out loud. There was a chance I had just sold myself out and that wasn't Celeste but I just need to hope for the best.

The girl looked stunned for a second and then came back to her senses, "Funneh? Is that you're voice?"

"Yeah! It's me!" I replied back, poking her shoulder.

"Hey! Stop poking my shoulder!" She said trying to brush off my hand, "oh my.. where are you!"

"Invisible!" I told her, looking around to make sure no one is coming.

"How- Actually nevermind, you do realize you and Draco and Lunar are wanted subjects, right?" She quietly scowled.

"Uhhhhhh-" I tried speaking, but before I could, I heard people shouting down the hall, "Yes! There are five subjects on the loose around here!"

Looks like we had been the talk of the hour. Celeste felt around for me, and felt my arm, grabbed it and pulled aside.

"Ow.." I said.

"What? Your potion is bound to wear off soon. I basically saved you." Celeste pouted. I rolled my eyes, not that she could see. That's when she was right, because right then and there I became normal again. That was five minutes?! What a slow five minutes.

"Hey! That's right, what're you doing here? Rainbow saw you outside the window at the nurse's the other day." I told her, fixing the laboratory uniform I had been wearing.

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