1: Happy 8th anniversary!

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{Chapter 1}
(Funneh POV)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・

8 years.

It's been 8 years since our arrival at Redwood Laboratory. Every time it was a subjects anniversary we had been pulled aside for interviews.

I saw Gold walk back in from her interview, her elemental scars glowing. She was an elemental, meaning she had powers that only worked when her scars showed (she had the ability to turn them off and on)

"003? Your turn." A man called for me.

I arrived in the same interview room as always. Big metal box, a desk, one sided mirror, and chairs. Waiting there was someone I had never met. Normally we had Dr. Weiz as our interviewer but this girl is new.

"003?" She called. I sat down on the chair in the other side of the desk. She had my file open. On it had my real name and information about me.

"Um.. hi.. where did Dr. Weiz go?" I asked, immediately getting to the main point.

She laughed, and cocked her head, "She'll be gone for a long time."

I got uncomfortable hearing that, "Sorry to scare you, my name is Dr. Evelyn. I'm a 15 year old trainee, and I'm the new interviewer "

I bowed my head. It was a tradition to do to any new staff we had never met. A sign of respect I guess.

"Well, let's get on with the interview, shall we?" Evelyn said, moving the camera that had been on the side of her towards me. Letting me know I was on record.

"First question," she cleared her voice, "What's your name?"

"Funneh La, 003," I replied. We had to say our full name then number name. I learned that the hard way.

"Good," she checked something off her board, "What's your species and power?"

I groaned. I've been doing this for 8 years and never understood why they ask the exact same questions, "I'm a demon, I have mind manipulation."

Evelyn nodded, "Doing great. Next, what means the most to you?"

"My family.. it's all I have left." I mumbled that last part. My siblings are what matter to me the most.

"Alright, here's the big question," she said. "Live or die?"

I hesitated.

"Hurry and answer." She threatened me the remote to my shock collar.

"Live." I mutter.

She clapped. "Good, good. Your dismissed. See you next year."

I bowed again and was escorted by that man again back to my room with my siblings.

"004," The man escorting me called.

"Good luck," I whispered as Lunar passed by me.

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