10: Fun fact, Kyran does indeed have a mouth

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(Funneh POV)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I'm in! Best part is no one noticed. I worked hard on hiding these horns! Now all I had to do was avoid eye contact because I'd either:

A. Accidentally control someone
B. Blow my cover by someone who remembers my face
Or C. Be caught by someone who has never seen me before.

So what? There was barely any people with blue hair there, but surely no one would notice.

To be honest, now that I'm in, I have no idea how I'm going to find any of the Krew. So time to do a normal thing and.. walk around acting like I'm doing something but sweat profusely because I have no idea what I'm doing and don't wanna get caught.

Huh? Those guys in the courtyard look familiar! Oh wait, isn't that.. uhh what's his name? Kevin? And the other.. Ezra? Yeah! Sounds about right.

I walked into the courtyard, and tapped on their shoulders, "Kevin! Ezra! There you are! It's me, Funneh."

"Um.. it's actually Kyran and Evan.. Funneh, did you really forget our names after 8 years together in this place?" Evan stared at me. Oh! That's right.

"Whaaaaat! No." I said.

I lied.

"Wait, how are you in here? And why are you in a lab uniform." Evan pointed out. Ugh, I don't have time to explain I stole these from Nurse Bettathanu and knocked her out and stole her scanny thing and credit card.

I shrugged. "No time to explain, but.. uh where's Draco?"

"I don't know. Lunar came and took him." Evan said, Kyran nodding in agreement, I thought Nurse Bettathanu's daughter had her? "But she's evil now or something.. she's working with the lab people."

Why would she.. "Ma'am, I need to ask why you are out here talking to these people." A guard showed up.

Oh shoot, I forgot that they have guards out in the courtyard. I needed to get out of here, and fast.

"Oh, um, sir! I need.. uhh.. these two troublemakers for.. uhhhh.. testing! Yes!" I stuttered.. a lot.

He looked at me up and down and nodded suspiciously, "Right.. do you need some help.. or?"

"NOTHATSOKAYBUTTHANKSFORTHEOFFER!" I yelled loudly, and also combined every single word together. Nah, that wasn't sus at all.

He nodded slowly then left. I swear I heard him mumble something like 'weirdo', or some insult. I'll let that slide.. for now.

I told them both to follow me, till we got to a room, with no one in it.

"Um, Funneh? Can you explain?" Evan asked.

Well this is great. There are cameras in this room. The ones with Audio to be exact. They better not be watching.. I mean they probably are.. but isn't there a chance that they aren't??

"I need you to explain first, what happened with this Draco and Lunar situation?" I spoke quickly, I needed to get this conversation over quickly before we where caught because I'm sure if they had spotted me on camera, they would've used the walkie talkie to let all staff know. (I had one because of Nurse Bettathanu.)

"Well, why don't YOU explain, Kyran?" Evan folded his arms. What? Was Evan brain dead? I'm pretty sure Kyran can't talk? "You talked today, didn't you?"

Wait.. huh?! Dang, I missed a whole 3 chapters (literally). Then.. he took off his mask.. and.. he had a mouth?! I cant be the only one who thought he had no mouth.

"Uh.. well.." Kyran began, "So, Lunar was taken by a certain person who had betrayed everyone."

Stupid Valerie.. I mean, she was our friend, but I guess not!

(AN: okayyy I'm sorry but I love making Valerie the traitor kdhfksjs bc she's so innocent and then she just fully betrays everyone 😭 OKOK BACK TO THE STORY)

"Um.. and then.. um they had turned her human and taken her powers.. uh and then.. uh.. um.. she came and took Draco and.. then.. they are attempting to take his powers."

What the hell. How did he know this?and no offense, but what's up with the stuttering because it seems like he was trying to remember.. this makes no se sense. "How did you know?!"

"The day.. you made your escape, somehow the power part the enables powers on the bracelets wore off and powers where now enabled." Kyran started with. "No one knew because you could only hear of it turned off or on through the testing rooms because that's only ever been the time they needed to be on."

Dang.. this guy is smart. And so was i, because I pieced together the rest of the puzzle, "And since they where enabled, you could use your powers.. which allow you to see into the future which.. which let you see what would happen!"

He nodded and Evan looked completely confused. I guess that's the normal Evan thing.

"Wait so why didn't you tell us?" I asked, confused.

"This mask cancels talking. I was told to keep it on.. or else.. um nevermind.. I can't say it. Sorry.." Kyran explained. Probably something personal.. it's whatever.

"Last question! Where are they now?!" I frantically asked. I realized I needed to get to them before anything happened.

Kyran kind of looked nervous and then said, "I didn't see that far into the future.. I stopped at the part where they started taking Draco's pow-"

Before he could finish, the door was busted opened by a staff member.. who had a gun. And before that, more and more came in.

"Funneh, or should we say 003." One staff said. Shoot. They found us.. I took too long. "Your coming with us."

And now I'm standing here, and wondering: how tf did I get myself into this mess?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


anywho. Opinions on this chapter? Ngl I kinda like it!

Also.. I LIED AGAIN! Battle/fight scenes next chapter! Hehehehehh tbh I was planning for the fight but I couldn't find a way to let it casually flow, so I'll save it for next chapter!

But bare w/ me bc I can't write fight scenes for the life of me.. I just wish I could.

ANYWAYSSSS! As always, ily all!!!!

Word count: 1019

-author Sydney<3

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