4: The truths out! + we are screwed

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(Funneh POV)

CW - swearing/cussing

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It has been a week since the incident between the Rainbow and Gold fight. Things have been slowly going back to normal though- not like we are normal to begin with.

But Gold has started talking more, Lunar has dropped her grudge, and Rainbows wing will forever be damaged but her flight has been getting better and back to where it used to be.

Me and Draco stayed the same I guess. Anyways, while we where here, we've realized something: something strange is going on. We where going to get to the bottom of it.

As of now, it was testing times, meaning at this time after breakfast we are meant to stay put in our cells while people got tested.

"Okay, we need to break the silence," Draco said. He was right, things where getting awkward in here.

"Well what do we talk about?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Why don't we talk about something useful." Draco suggested, then covered his mouth.

Rainbow cocked her head and raised an eyebrow, "Like what?"

Draco shook his head, and tilted it towards the camera. We all immediately caught on. He wanted to talk to us about something important but we can't in our cells because there are cameras in every corner, getting all our angles. We'd have to wait till courtyard time.

Eventually we where released to courtyard, and luckily for the first half of testing, none of us got called down.

"Okay so what was it that you wanted to talk about?" Lunar asked Draco as we found a spot near a tree.

"Right so why don't we start to.. y'know, investigate this place?" Draco suggested.

I laughed, "we already tried doing that the first year we got here."

"I know but back then, we didbt get much leads. All of the sudden we're getting a whole bunch, the blackmail Gold's been given is one," Draco pointed out. I gotta admit, he was right. "Now we have information like Celeste being the escaped subject, and Funneh having a crush on Alec who happens to be nic-"

"I do not!" I yell. Okay well he is hot so I can't deny, but I don't have a crush on Traitor.

"Uhuh, sure," Gold mumbled. I elbow her and she lets out a small laugh.

"I like Draco's idea," Rainbow says, "He isn't wrong. About everything we've been given."

"Cool, but where do we start?" Lunar asked, she tilted her head.

"Well, let's start from the beginning." I told them. They all looked confused, then Draco caught on.

Draco cocked his head and looked at Gold, "Well? I think it's about time we get our explanation. You've been avoiding the subject for a week."

"Um.." Gold seemed hesitant. She sighed. "Okay! Fine.. here's the truth."

Epic flashback
Gold's POV

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